Sunrise Sunset

Fri., May 22 5:16 8:00

Sat., May 23 5:15 8:01

Sun., May 24 5:14 8:02

Mon., May 25 5:13 8:03

Tues., May 26 5:13 8:04

Wed., May 27 5:12 8:05

Thurs., May 28 5:11 8:06

Fri., May 29 5:11 8:06

A thin crescent moon will appear low in the western sky early in the evening on Monday. Only those with an excellent view of the western sky have a good chance of seeing it then, so consider a beach stroll at Menemsha, an ideal spot.

More Vineyarders will see the moon when it is higher in the west on Tuesday evening.

The moon will continue in its eastward passage through the coming week, getting brighter and more conspicuous. On Thursday night, the moon is in the zodiacal constellation Cancer.

By Saturday, May 30, the moon will be first quarter and right underneath the bright planet Saturn in the zodiacal constellation Leo.


The ringed planet Saturn appears high in the eastern sky in the zodiacal constellation Leo. It is the brightest planet visible at night until midnight.

The largest planet in the solar system appears low in the eastern sky after sunset. Jupiter is in the zodiacal constellation Capricornus and unmistakably bright. Jupiter is near Neptune but you’ll need an updated star chart with the planets posted to find it.

Jupiter is the brightest planet of the night and Neptune is the opposite, barely visible even with binoculars.

Venus and Mars are low in the east at dawn.
