Sunrise Sunset

Fri., May 29 5:11 8:06

Sat., May 30 5:10 8:07

Sun., May 31 5:10 8:08

Mon., June 1 5:09 8:09

Tues., June 2 5:09 8:10

Wed., June 3 5:08 8:10

Thurs., June 4 5:08 8:11

Fri., June 5 5:08 8:12

The brilliant star in the southern sky is Spica. Spica appears almost due south soon after sunset and it is readily noticeable with its distinct bluish white color. Spica is one of the brightest stars in our night sky and the principal star in the zodiacal constellation Virgo.

The gibbous moon appears next to Spica on Wednesday night. Spica is huge and substantially more luminous than our sun, and hotter too. Astronomers know the star is actually two stars, caught in a close permanent orbiting dance.

Spica is 260 light years away, which also means that the light coming from the star is 260 years old.


The ringed planet Saturn is one of the easiest of planets to see at night. Saturn appears high in the western sky after sunset and it sets around midnight.

Sunday’s first quarter moon makes finding Saturn even easier. The moon appears right under the distant planet. Saturn resides this year in the zodiacal constellation Leo, the mythological lion.


Jupiter, the brightest planet in our evening, rises in the southeastern sky after midnight.
