Sunrise Sunset

Fri., June 5 5:08 8:12

Sat., June 6 5:07 8:12

Sun., June 7 5:07 8:13

Mon., June 8 5:07 8:14

Tues., June 9 5:07 8:14

Wed., June 10 5:06 8:15

Thurs., June 11 5:06 8:15

Fri., June 12 5:06 8:16

Sunday night’s full moon appears in the zodiacal constellation Scorpius. It is time for the Strawberry Moon. This is as far south as the Full Moon gets and it always takes place in June. Just as astronomers report that the noontime sun is at the highest on the day of summer solstice, the full moon of June is always the lowest full moon of the year.

Tomorrow night astronomers will be pointing their telescopes at the moon as it comes close to the bright red star Antares, the principal star in Scorpius. The best viewing will be after sunset in most of the Southeastern United States, where the view is of the moon occulting the distant star.

In Boston the Moon appears to graze the star. In New York city observers will see the star disappear behind the moon.

For Martha’s Vineyard observers, the view will be hard to call. The whole show starts at about 8 p.m., about the same time as sunset.

Most observers will see the moon an hour later when it is higher in the sky and the sky is darker. By then, the moon will have passed the bright star. But the two will be a worthwhile sight.

Binoculars make the show better.

Saturn and Jupiter

The bright planet Saturn appears high in the western sky after sunset. The bright planet Jupiter rises in the east after midnight.
