Sunrise Sunset

Fri., Sept. 18 6:24 6:46

Sat., Sept. 19 6:25 6:44

Sun., Sept. 20 6:26 6:43

Mon., Sept. 21 6:27 6:41

Tues., Sept. 22 6:28 6:39

Wed., Sept. 23 6:29 6:37

Thurs., Sept. 24 6:30 6:36

Fri., Sept. 25 6:31 6:34


The autumn arrives at 5:19 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 22. At that moment the sun passes across the celestial equator into the southern hemisphere. From then on, hours of daylight dwindle quickly. Day and night are about equal in time.

The Harvest Moon is only three weeks away, in October.

Jupiter and Moon

Jupiter, the brightest evening planet appears low in the southeastern sky after sunset. Jupiter will dominate the night for the early part of the coming week.

The crescent moon appears low in the southwestern sky on Monday night. Only a few Vineyarders will see the moon above the horizon shortly after sunset. More of us will see the moon on Tuesday night when it appears higher, and amid the glow of twilight. The moon will be in the zodiacal constellation Libra.

Venus and Mars

The brightest planet in our sky, Venus appears low in the southeastern sky before sunrise. Venus is in the zodiacal constellation Leo.

Mars is a dull red in the zodiacal constellation Gemini and appears high above Venus. The two planets are the Earth’s nearest neighbors, yet they are two distinctly different looking planets. Coincidentally, this week they are both about 130 million miles away.
