Kathie Case
I love this time of year. The sky is so blue with white puffy clouds, the air is crisp and there is a smell of wood burning in the air. Fall is definitely upon us.
Happy birthday to all who celebrated this past week. Big balloons go out to Kenneth Cook 3rd, who celebrated Oct. 14 and Tayla Kuehne Oct. 15. Kylie Estrella celebrates Oct. 17 and Anna Bettencourt celebrates Oct. 18.
The Kresel Hotel was open again this past weekend. Jim’s sister and brother in law Veronica and Jim Daley were here from New Hampshire. They brought along their four-legged companions Guinness and Orleigh, their golden retrievers, who had a great time playing with the Kresel’s dog Bella.
After the Daleys left, Mary Ellen’s cousins George Turner from Oregon and Lou Lee Turner from Woods Hole came for a short visit.
Chris White has great news about her daughter Ariel. She has begun working as an intern on a new Natalie Portman movie in New York city called The Black Swan, directed by Darren Aronosky, who also directed The Wrestler. Filming is expected to end in late January. Ariel is a graduate of Marymount Manhattan College with a degree in communication arts.
The Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School is sponsoring a presentation by Teresa LaSala specifically for parents Tuesday, Oct. 20, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. The charter school is on State Road in West Tisbury. The public is welcome.
This is the time of year when wives lose their husbands again. The derby is still on, family scalloping opened on the first of the month; now the guys are sitting in trees for the next two months and then there is more hunting. Remember to wear brightly colored clothing when walking in the woods and keep an eye on your dogs.
Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.
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