

Today Chilmark endured a long day of rain while the other parts of New England had snow and ice. However, at sunset on Wednesday it was 55 degrees at my house in Menemsha. It is hard to know what it all means! I am sorry if it is global warming which can’t be good, but I am selfish enough to be happy I am not burning our expensive gas tonight!

Approximately 65 voters turned out for the special town meeting on Monday last at the community center. All items on the warrant were approved. Moderator Everett Poole led the assembly in a public thank-you and a round of applause for our Chilmark town accountant, Tom Wilson, who retired this month after seven years of service. Thanks, Tom, and cheers from us all!

I found it somewhat calming after the town meeting where so much money was approved for spending on town affairs to go back to the town report of 1909 and learn that, in those days, the real estate valuation of the town was $232,708; that there were 171 houses; 2,145 sheep and 118 registered voters who paid $2 each for the privilege. Henry H. Allen, Horace L. Flanders and Cyrus C. Look were the selectmen and they were each paid $30 a year for their service.

The citizens’ organization called Let Vineyarders Decide is calling for additional membership. Some 700 have already joined in the attempt to call attention to those who want to put windmills in the waters between Aquinnah and Cuttyhunk . . . and, we hope, come up with an alternate plan. Please check out the Web site letvineyardsdeside.org for more information and, by all means, if you agree, add your name to the list of those who want to make their own decisions about the Vineyard. Andy Goldman is the chair of this group and will be happy to answer your questions. Please call him at 508-645-9840.

Herb and I are off tomorrow to Northbridge to attend Celia’s seasonal band concert. Our 11-year-old granddaughter is playing the trumpet! While off-Island we will also enjoy sharing birthday wishes with our three-year-old grandson, Jack Bennett, in Attleboro.

The holiday momentum is picking up and the week to come has many invitations to get out and about. The Friends of the Chilmark Library will host their annual Holiday Open House at the library on Dec. 16 from 5 to 7 p.m. There will be crafts for children, greens making, food and music by the Vineyard Classic Brass Band. The library is collecting donations for the Island Food Pantry so please bring something for their collection.

The firefighters’ association will host Santa’s annual visit to Chilmark at the community center on Thursday, Dec. 17. The party and all festivities are for Chilmark children through the fifth grade. If you know of a child who should be included, please call that hardworking Santa elf, Katie Carroll, at 508-645-3638.

The annual used book sale will take place at the library beginning Dec. 16 and continue through Dec. 30. The sale is during regular library hours each week. The Friends of the Library do the work of setting up and taking down the book sale. They will appreciate some volunteer help on Tuesday, Dec. 15, when they set up the sale. If you can help, please come to the library at or near 10 a.m.

Dec. 16 is a big day at the library but not to be overlooked is the visit by the town nurse, Nichole Barlett who will be at the library from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. to take blood pressures, free. Let’s keep track of our health in this busy season of distractions.

Chilmark fire chief David Norton suggests this is a good time of year to check out our carbon monoxide detectors.

Whippoorwill Farm has a winter share program. They have many vegetables especially planted to offer this winter. There is a great variety of produce available and a pickup is $20. The farm stand is open Friday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday 9 to noon. Please call 508-693-5995 for more information or go to info@whipporwillfarmcsa.com.

Barbara Armstrong and her mother, Roberta Morgan, and fellow Chilmarker, Valerie Murphy, traveled to the mainland for the day on Tuesday to explore the malls and enjoy the holiday season. I am sure they met many other folks they knew on the boat!