I woke up at 5 a.m. this morning and thought about getting up to write the column. I looked out the bedroom window. I was cold, the ground was covered in white, the buses were lined up with snow, and you could see the smoke coming out of the chimney of the school. I then looked back at the bed and decided that was the best place to be.
Happy birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. Big balloons go out to Meghan Dephous, who celebrated her day Feb. 1; Elizabeth Hayman, Feb. 3; Paige Fiske and Robert Olcott, Feb. 4; and to Kazara Aldeborgh and Aiden Rogers, who celebrate their day Feb. 6.
Special wishes go out to Nancy Whipple, who celebrated her day Jan. 28; Gretchen Wean, Jan. 30; to my great-niece Audrey Polleys, Jan. 29; Heidi Boyd, Feb. 3; Yvette Turner, Feb. 4; and big balloons go out to Dick Enos, who celebrates his day Feb. 7.
This has been a slow week for news. I know a lot of people are going south and I know there are a lot already in the south. I just talked to one friend who said she was happy that the temperature was just about to reach 60 degrees where she was ... imagine wearing flip flops this week.
Valentine’s Day is coming up, and I know that many can’t wait for the cards and maybe flowers — so maybe we should all take a minute and think of someone in the neighborhood who may not receive a card or a flower and send them one, so that they may smile along with us.
I got a call from my neighbor Mary Ellen and she said that she had a dandelion blooming in her back yard, and that the spring flowers were just starting to show their leaves.
Well, this is Super Bowl Sunday, so I’m sure a lot of people are getting ready for all the parties. May your team win and take care in driving away from the parties.
Have a great week, and keep the home candles burning.
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