Editors, Vineyard Gazette:

On Friday, May 21, we organized the first Brazilian awareness day at the regional high school. We had a wonderful day and involved most of the school in activities such as Jiu Jitsu, Capoeira, Brazilian dancing and even fusion dancing with the Irish history class and traditional Brazilian food.

We would like to thank Elio Silva, Elias dos Reis, Steve Bernier, and Merrily and Frank Fenner for their generous donations.

We are also grateful to Robert Tankard for his support and for featuring us on Tank Talk.

We are grateful to Clemence Joue Pastre and Maria Regan from Harvard for educating us about Brazil.

We had amazing demonstrations from Luciano Reina Jiu Jitsu Academy, and Dunga’s Vineyard Capoeira, who gave up their time to educate us.

Our grateful thanks to Sonia Barbosa, Chef Jack O’Mally, Livia Sampaio, Renata Olivera, and Gleyzielle Rodrigues for cooking the excellent food that the school enjoyed.

We thank Valerio Destefani for his participation.

Our thanks to the school administration for allowing us to do this.

We would also like to thank Elaine Weintraub for all of her support and for sticking with us to make Brazil day a success. Without her help none of it would have been possible.

Andora Aquino

Vineyard Haven


Editors, Vineyard Gazette:

I want to thank everyone for their quick response, focus and thorough-going work immediately following the dramatic accident I was in at State and Old County Roads.

Within seconds passersby stopped, directed traffic, and attended to each of us with great care. In shock, I was ushered to the shoulder of the road and urged to lie down . . . to find that the woman in the third car was also a first responder, and was holding my head still. EMTs, other first responders, fire departments and police were all remarkable. Even the chief of the Aquinnah police took a turn holding my head still.

As it turns out my physical injuries are minor, and though my mental pace and energy remains affected by the trauma I clearly remember, and will never forget, the enormous communal care.

All said, in my own behalf, and in deep respect for the others in the accident, I hope something is done to redesign that intersection. It would be okay if it would pass and no longer be a scene for the care we show each other.

Still, and in all praise, a heartfelt thank you to everyone. You all are tremendous people.

Patrick Phillips

West Tisbury


Editors, Vineyard Gazette:

The following letter was sent to a medical service provider in response to a bill which offered a prompt payment discount.

Referring to the enclosed bill I did call your prompt payment discount number, but no one was available. On my 62nd birthday last year I decided I did not have enough time left on this planet to wait forever on hold listening to bad music, so now I do not do this for anyone ever.

I therefore enclose a check representing the amount due on the bill less 20 per cent for prompt payment (which this is). If this is a problem please write. If you call I may well put you on hold for at least 15 minutes, but I promise I will play you good music while you wait.

Nick Mosey

Vineyard Haven


Editors, Vineyard Gazette:

It’s a cliche that we recall our war dead on Memorial Day.

Maj. David Berube brought it home in his address to the veterans and civilians who gathered at the Tisbury Memorial Day ceremony. He spoke of his deployment at Dover Air Force Base last year as part of a contingent who received the remains of those who died in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. He acknowledged the grief suffered by family and friends of the war dead, and recognized the gratitude we owe those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. It was a poignant reminder of what Memorial Day means.

A lot of people were in attendance, and it was gratifying to see so many children, from toddlers to scouts, appreciate the solemnity of the occasion.

Thomas Dresser

Oak Bluffs


Editors, Vineyard Gazette:

Okay, let’s hear it now about how a corporation is a person under the law.

If some single human being had filled the Gulf of Mexico with toxic waste, would there be any question that it was an enormous crime?

Bruce Nevin


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