Sunrise Sunset

Fri., June 25 5:08 8:20

Sat., June 26 5:08 8:20

Sun., June 27 5:08 8:20

Mon., June 28 5:09 8:20

Tues., June 29 5:09 8:20

Wed., June 30 5:10 8:19

Thurs., July 1 5:10 8:19

Fri., July 2 5:11 8:19

Tonight’s full moon, the Summer Moon, resides in the zodiacal constellation Sagittarius. This moon is the southern-most full moon of the year.

While the sun may rise at its highest in the ecliptic this week, the full moon tonight is as far south as it gets. Sagittarius is a summer constellation. It is also known as the location of the center of the Milky Way, our spinning galaxy.


The night is filled with planets. The brightest planet of the night, Venus, hangs high in the western sky after sunset. Venus appears just above the tree line for most.

The red planet Mars is higher in the west, a short distance along the zodiac from Venus. Mars is near the bright star Regulus in the zodiacal constellation Leo. Mars is as distant from the Earth as Venus, but it is dramatically dimmer than our nearest neighbor. Venus is bigger and covered in a never-clearing blanket of clouds, making it brighter.

Higher still in the western sky is the bright planet Saturn. Saturn is in the zodiacal constellation Virgo. Saturn is about the same magnitude as Mars, but seems to shine slightly brighter. The reason? Our eyes aren’t as accustomed to red objects as to a yellowish white planet like Saturn.

The largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter, rises in the east after midnight. Jupiter is in the zodiacal constellation Pisces.
