I spent the first part of the week putting away my winter sweaters; didn’t think I’d need them much anymore. Turns out, I’m psychic. Tuesday night, Kim and I battled with the conundrum of whether to expose ourselves to the gnats and let them feast, or lie under the bedcovers and turn to yeast. But a late-night rummage through the Big Camp yielded two working fans (out of seven). A fan apiece, blowing directly on body, was enough to discourage all but the strongest fliers and cool our cores to a less dangerous level.
Annie Heywood phoned to let me know that she’d be at the parade. I misunderstood her and thought she’d be in the parade. Imagine my disappointment when the last fire truck rolled past and no Annie sighting. There’s always next year.
The Pimpneymouse float was outstanding, in my estimation. Not often one witnesses a hay striper chasing a hay bait fish.
I was taken to task by a couple of Chappy ladies for my facetious plea for bittersweet clippings. Apparently, bittersweet is no laughing matter. In the spirit of clarity and ill humor, I offer the following: bittersweet bad. Very, very bad! It is somewhat tasty, though, when seasoned properly and added to salads or stews. I’m kidding!
Our California friends, the Van Der Meers, with whom we spent the Fourth at their lovely vacation house on Tower Hill (I know, turncoats, but free lobsters!) and our other California friends, the Seagers (that about does it for friends), had dinner at the Seager house Wednesday night whilst the various progeny enjoyed the CCC ice cream social.
The Seagers (Gretchen, Lou Gutierrez and children Olivia and Allegra) and the Dutch Californians (Wendy, Roland and children, Mia, Lita and Eva) also spent a very pleasant evening on the Big Camp porch eating assorted fried foods from the Quarterdeck restaurant. No, the QD doesn’t cater, but Grant McCargo does! Thanks, Grant, for bringing us much fried goodness.
Jerry Jeffers can be seen sporting a new ball cap which reads “Harvard Grandfather.” Jerry’s grandson Michael Beauboeuf will attend the esteemed university this fall. No small accomplishment, but not surprising coming from the Jeffers family. I wish I could sport a similar hat, but I have no children, and hence no grandchildren. I do have nephews who are quite delightful but possibly not Harvard material. But who knows!
Speaking of Jerry, the Chappy Store is once again open (has been for some time now). Nef is once again running the store with Melissa and her husband, Tyrone. They’re doing a bang-up job. Be sure to visit. Jerry and associated family should be applauded for continuing a Chappy tradition despite tough economic times. And though the residents and visitors to Chappy are without question a consistent and absolute delight, running the Chappy store has its challenges (when Kim and I ran the store our two mottos were: “We Will Not Be Oversold” and “No”).
The barn swallows saga continues. The kids have left the nest, but mom and dad continue to practice poor hygiene on the very attractive cardboard Kim has laid on our porch decking beneath the nests. I theorize these particular swallows are spiteful and bossy, choosing to stay in nests so obviously obsolete simply to tick me off. I don’t see a mutually agreeable resolution coming soon.
Speaking of small impertinent creatures, has anyone else noticed that a certain mouse population has become quite at ease with leisurely daytime strolls across one’s yard? I’m not referring to the cute, spry, little field mice, but to the burly, thick-coated sluggish ones (akin to a Russian gymnast coach). Kim and I wave to them each morn as they trek through the grass, oblivious to danger or annoyance. I think I saw one talking on a cell phone. Probably a teenager. Or lawyer from New York.
Peter Wells wrote to remind folks that the many signs posted on and about the Chappy Ferry are not for entertainment purposes only. They are to encourage safety too (My favorite? “Annie, Shhhhhhhh”).
Peter also related that he’d had many inquiries as to the Chappy Zip code. None yet, but Edgartown is on warning. Chappy Tea Party?
This coming week at community center: Chappy History Night is on Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Edo Potter will speak about Chappy and Pimpneymouse Farm in the 1930s and ’40s, with her new book, The Last Farm on Chappaquiddick. Marion Meigs will share memories of her first summer here in the 1930s. Pilates is on Wednesday mornings at 8 a.m. Sailing, tennis, art, yoga and Latin dance exercise classes continue during the week. The first Craft and Farmers’ Market is Wednesday from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Chappy craftspeople and farmers (or anyone with surplus from their garden) are welcome to sell. Wednesday’s lobster roll dinners are $15 and include drinks and chips. Pre-order by Tuesday noon for pick up on Wednesday, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
The center’s first talent show is Thursday at 6 p.m. Talent of all ages is welcome! Please preregister at the CCC or with Katie Kidder, 508-627-9461 or Bring a picnic; it’s free. Fridays’s free film is O’Horten, from Norway, at 8 p.m.
Save the date: the annual CCC Fair is Saturday, July 17, from 11:30 to 1:30. Come for a barbecue lunch, bake sale, book sale, kids games, fair games and a cakewalk; the dog show begins at 1 p.m.
Question of the week is back by popular demand (aka Peter Wells). Peter asks: Who stole the bell that used to hang from a bracket on the wall of the ferry house on the Chappy side? It disappeared one night very soon after the first battery powered reciprocating saws appeared on the Island.
This week’s horoscope: be careful when filling ice cube trays not to overflow the trays with water.
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