Remembering Bart Heywood, Master Carpenter, Son of Chappy

I’m told that people must die eventually, but I had hoped, maybe even expected, that my cousin Bart Heywood might live forever.

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Chappaquiddick Town Column: August 26

If one stays in one place long enough, one is bound to lose things.

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Chappaquiddick Town Column: August 20

I wish I could tell you what was going on Chappy this week...or last week or next week.

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Chappaquiddick Town Column: August 6

Belonging. It seems that much of one's identity on Chappy is tied closely to one's sense of belonging.

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Chappaquiddick Town Column: July 23

I try to be present - in the now - but I find myself preferring the lead-ins and the lead-outs rather than the main acts.

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Chappaquiddick Town Column: July 9

The Fourth came and went with little of the pageantry and fuss of Fourths past. It was still more celebratory than 2020s, though that bar wasn't set particularly high.

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Chappaquiddick Town Column: June 11

I suspect that for many people Chappy is much about the water and its surrounding pleasures: boating, fishing, beaching, and swimming. For others like myself, Chappy is about the land.

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Chappy Town Column: May 28

I was mowing the grass on a cloudless Sunday, when a cloud darkened the ground below me. That’s odd, I thought. Rogue cloud?

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Chappy Town Column: May 14

I have returned to the Chappy column roost from a long hiatus, or whatever it is called when a chicken steps out for a while, to alternate weeks with Peter.

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Walking the Fairways, Arm in Arm
Brad Woodger

I haven’t played all that much golf in my lifetime, but most of it has been with my brother Kent.

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