Somebody had best do something about this heat soon before we all get cranky. Is it always hot here in the summer? On top of all of it, my mom just informed me that she’ll be coming down for three weeks in September. That’s a good thing, right? Boy, it sure is hot. And, like bad poetry, the humidity repeats it’s refrain with nary a nuance of change. Is it always humid here in the summer?
No sighting of Annie Heywood this week, but I did receive a voicemail from her. So the week was not a total loss.
Peter Wells informed me that all complaints regarding ferry service should henceforth be addressed to majority owner wife Sally. I think he was joking.
Kim and I ran into Dave Corcoran outside the bike shop on the corner of Main. Dave is a musician, painter (of pictures), a bike repairman, and a very interesting person. As we were to discover this evening though, Dave is also a long distance bicyclist. Not your typical biker, Dave rides a one speed. To Key West. And back. Not all in the same day however. Dave estimates he travels at speeds between three to seven mph, mostly on Route 1. His luggage is whatever he finds along the path (he still has a particularly prized sweatshirt that appeared on the sidewalk providentially one chilly afternoon), and that which his bike basket will accommodate. A guitar takes the place of a backback, but nicely doubles as a pillow. On cold nights, Dave finds that cardboard breaks the ground’s chill, and shivering is a more effective warming tool than one might imagine.
On occasion, Dave’s out-of-doors slumber is disturbed by the local police, but rather than being annoyed by the disruption, he laments those who never get to “experience the grandeur” of such a moment. Say hi to Dave while he’s on-Island — he can often be seen playing guitar outside the Paper Store.
Kim and I took our 2004 Toyota Tundra on it’s maiden voyage over sand to fulfill a bug-spraying obligation for a Self wedding past Shear Pin Cove. Kim drove (the Tundra is not to be trusted to over caffeinated laborers such as myself). First snafu occurred at Dike Bridge gatehouse, as Kim was reminded by signage that it would be prudent to reduce tire pressure. The truck’s tire gauge had gone missing but neither occupant was fessing up to the crime. My solution of using a piece of stick to depress the valves, and then best-guess the pressure was underwhelmed by Kim’s enthusiasm. Fortunately, nice gatehouse man had a gauge. Chernobyl averted. Tires deflated to 15 psi (exactly), we proceeded. Sort of. Beaches and dunes do not make the best roads. Always the gracious hosts, we pulled off the sand highway on several instances to allow more important vehicles to get to their opposite destination (morning commute traffic). My lumbar region suffered dramatically (lawsuit to follow), but we arrived in a timely fashion. The upside to the trip was the beauty of the area. Worth the hassle. One can not help but be washed over with the romance and music of Cape Pogue. Fills one’s soul. Which reminds me: though summer is in full people-bloom, and days may be hectic; there is the sand, the salt, the sea, the seagull to remind us of our place, and heal the harried heart. Really. I believe it to be true.
Much Chappy happenings to report on this week. Afterall, I don’t get paid forty dollars a column just to talk about myself! ($40! “Hey one person! Drink is on me!” I’m kidding, please don’t rescind my private plane priveleges!)
From Herb Ward: On Friday evening, July 23, from 7 to 8, the story of Captain Levi Jackson and the rescue of 14 people from the Mertie B. Crowley, which wrecked off Wasque on January 23, 1910, will be told by his great-grandson Herb Ward. The talk will take place at the Parish House of the Federated Church, on the corner of Cooke and South Summer streets in Edgartown. A suggested donation of $10 will go to the Minister’s Discretionary Fund, to help Island families in need.
Save Saturday, July 17 for the Annual CCC Fair, 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Come for the barbecue lunch and bake sale. There will be kids games, a cakewalk, a giant book sale and a dog show starting at 1:30 p.m.
From Sydney Bath: Fact or Fiction: A tennis court is finally going to be built at the Chappy Community Center? The answer: It is up to you! The CCC board has raised approximately $75,000 of the $140,000 needed to construct the court. A generous anonymous donor has agreed to fund the construction of a half basketball court adjacent to the tennis court, if the CCC can move forward. The incredibly popular youth and adult tennis program at the CCC has thus far been conducted at private courts, generously lent to support the program, but we can’t expect these arrangements to last forever. The CCC board is hoping to raise the balance of the funds by Sept. 1. This would allow critical site prep work to be done this fall prior to application of the play surface in the spring, making the court available for use by next summer. If you are interested in donating, you can mail a check to the CCC at P.O. Box 2966. Every gift helps, small or large! Also, if you are interested in learning more about the project, come to the CCC cocktail party on Tuesday, August 10, or just come anyway if you’re thirsty and want to catch up with your Chappy neighbors.
From Dot Dropick: The CIA water committee is organizing a household hazardous waste pickup at the CCC for the convenience of Chappy residents and guests, on Saturday, July 17 from 7 to 9 a.m. sharp. Typical items include household cleaning supplies, petroleum-based paints ( no water-based paints), insecticides. Pimpneymouse Farm has volunteered the use of one of their trucks, and the Chappy materials will be shipped to the Edgartown Refuse Station that morning. Edgartown usually imposes a one dollar fee to dispose used oil.
This coming week at the CCC, the weekly kids movie night begins on Tuesday with The Nutty Professor, animated version at 7; free with popcorn. On Wednesday, the Craft and Farmers Market is from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Sellers welcome – and buyers, of course. Wednesday night, Vineyard Sound plays at 7:30 p.m., with an ice cream social before it from 6 to 7 p.m. On Thursday, Vineyard Power will give a presentation about the local energy co-op from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. On Friday, July 23 the deadline for the 2011 calendar photo contest is at noon. All ages can enter up to three photos of Chappy (no people in photo, please). Winners in the adult and children’s category will be on the front and back covers of the calendar. Mary’s Friday night film is The White Ribbon, (German) at 8 p.m., free. Next Saturday is the annual tennis tournament; sign-up on CCC bulletin board or at the ferry board.
The Chappy Book Club will be discussing, The Glass Castle, a memoir by Jeannette Walls on Wednesday, July 28 at 10:30 a.m. at the CCC. All are welcome
This week’s horoscope: when the gnat sweats, ready the TSP.
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