Chappy doesn’t ask a lot from us. Just stay out of her poison ivy and ticks, and we’re good. But she gives a lot in return. More than one soul has been healed on a cool summer night, the stars, the owls, the salt breeze working in concert to soothe the senses.
Chappy is a good friend. She’s always here when we need her, whether it’s for a weekend breather or a lifetime. The return trip on the Chappy Ferry has a perpetual hint of the memory of returning home from school for a needed break.
What can we do for Chappy? We can cut back her bittersweet. We cannot run over her turtles, skunks and bunnies. We can respect her limitations. We can embrace her as she embraces us.
Chappy is not monogamous though. She has many lovers, loving each one of us equally — even though one would think that she’d find a few of us rather distasteful. So not one of us may lay claim to her. No one can proclaim to know what is best for Chappy. She belongs to all our hearts.
Kevin Keady has a new book out, Monk She Business, the true story of the Lady Benedictine monks who lived in Antarctica in the 1930s and came within one out of winning the 1931 World Series. This comes on the (high) heels of his critically acclaimed retelling of Peter Wells’s year as a Cher impersonator in the 1970s, S’ain’t Peter. Rumor has it that Billy Ray Cyrus is slated to play the big-haired Peter in an upcoming TBS docu-drama.
Kim tells me that Annie Heywood was omnipresent at the Ben Taylor concert. Seems the Old Whaling Church is not a large enough venue to contain Annie’s enthusiasm. Kim was close to forming a meaningful bond with Ben (while he signed her CD) when hurricane Annie blew through — wiping out anything that wasn’t tied down, including Kim’s chances of backing up Ben on vocals at his next gig. Oh, Annie. Despite losing her big chance, Kim came home all smiles, filled up with the joy that only music seems to pour out. Ben, Sally, Kate, John Forte and Julian all did their share in filling Kim to the brim.
I’m taking a hiatus from dog talk. Our dearly departed cat, though not one to harbor ill feelings toward canines, would most likely not appreciate the space afforded Fido in these pages. He would not want to further enable their craving for attention and fame. However, I have failed to give proper credit to the dear Herndon family and their two lovely Newfoundlands: Molson and Roxy. Ever kissed a Newfie? You should! And though they most resemble exhausted overweight Rastafarians, they never fail to summon the enthusiasm to greet your arrival. Kids are particularly thrilled to be welcomed by Molson and Roxy. I think Kim’s seven-year-old nephew Nick thought he may have stumbled upon the gates of hell when we arrived early this summer for clam fun. As the two Newfies approached, in full bark, Nick clung to my side and asked the obvious question, “What are those!?” “Those are Kendall’s dogs, Nick. They’re friendly,” I reassured him. “No. Those!” Nick fretted, still pointing at the dogs.
I’ve given up trying to recognize neighbors by their cars. Time was, Chappy folks had one, possibly two cars per household, and they rarely upgraded. But these days, it is the rare family whose fleet is contained to just three vehicles — two of which are updated every six months to pass the sea salt off to someone else. So if I’ve been waving at you knowingly while not knowing you, don’t be alarmed — I’m simply suffering from vehicular dementia.
If the car ahead of you in the Chappy ferry line moves forward, perhaps you should follow suit. More than six car lengths of open space between you and the forward car may result in revocation of your clamming license. Or 15 hours community service at the Beach Club kids’ camp.
I find myself wishing away the summer already. The heat and humidity are not my friends — they make both my clothing and my greens damp and fungal. But I realize that August will soon be a memory, and I’ll be longing for its warm phosphorescent waters. I’ve made an effort to be in the now, but summer more than any season seems to have me looking forward or back. As a kid vacationing here these weeks in August, I’d start to become haunted about now by the imminent approach of the school year and the removal of my freedom. Now, I look forward to September — forgetting always the possibility of hurricanes.
This week’s horoscope: Birds, bunnies, bees, bobcats, bears, Bigfoot, beavers, beetles and bocci balls bear beneficial benefits for beautiful Bobs, Barabaras and Bernies.
Speaking of Barbaras, Barbara Pernelli Calamia’s mom, Rose, turned 80-something in June. She’s super nice and spunky!
Edwina Risland is having a photography exhibit titled The Painterly Lens at the Bank of Martha’s Vineyard on South Road in Chilmark. The opening is today from 3 to 5 p.m. The exhibit can be viewed during regular bank hours.
The Chappy Community Center continues to be open during the day with wifi and ping pong available on the porch anytime. The annual table tennis tournament is on Saturday, August 21, starting at 11 a.m., run by Bob and Marvene O’Rourke. It’s free for all levels; just show up to play. Also on Saturday is a farewell potluck for the Babson family between 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. Come and bring a dish to share.
Yoga, Pilates, and Latin dance exercise continue through this week. Majong is on Mondays at 1 p.m. Tennis for kids and adults with Donna DeFrancis continues on Tuesdays and Thursdays through August 26. Sign up at the CCC office. The Farmers’ Market is on Wednesdays from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Mary Spencer’s foreign film on Friday, August 27 is the French film Forever at 8 p.m. Admission is free. August 20 is Something Like Happiness, a Czech film.
You can pick up an order form for the 2011 photo calendar at the CCC, or download one online at the Web site: The calendars will be ready by the end of November and can be mailed or picked up at the Thanksgiving open house on Saturday, Nov. 27. You can enjoy scenes of Chappaquiddick all year while supporting the mission of the CCC, thanks to the great photographers who entered our photo contest, and to the many folks and businesses that sponsor ads in the calendar. Call Margaret at the CCC if you’re interested in purchasing a business-card-sized ad to be displayed along the bottom of each month. Calendars ran out last year so be sure to reserve yours this year.
Art classes for kids and adults continue through this week with Laura Jemison. Contact the Old Sculpin Gallery or the CCC for information.
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