Sunrise Sunset
Fri., Sept. 17 6:23 6:48
Sat., Sept. 18 6:24 6:46
Sun., Sept. 19 6:25 6:44
Mon., Sept. 20 6:26 6:43
Tues., Sept. 21 6:27 6:41
Wed., Sept. 22 6:28 6:39
Thurs., Sept. 23 6:29 6:37
Fri., Sept. 24 6:30 6:36
The gibbous moon appears in the southeastern sky tonight. The moon is in the zodiacal constellation Capricornus.
The full moon, called the pumpkin moon this month, is on Thursday night. The moon is next to the bright planet Jupiter in the zodiacal constellation Pisces. The two rise together in the east, after sunset, and will command attention through the night. Both the moon and Jupiter are near another planet in our solar system, a good deal harder to see. The planet Uranus is faint, more noticeable on a clear, moonless night, possibly with binoculars. Amid the stars, it is hard to pick out without a current planet chart.
The brightest planet in our night sky is still Venus, although it is getting harder to spot. The planet appears closer to the horizon. Through a telescope, Venus looks like a crescent. Venus goes through phases just like the moon. The planet is getting larger this month.
Venus will be only 35 million miles away by the end of the month. In the weeks ahead, in the race around the sun, Venus will pass by the earth. When that happens, it will shift from a night planet to an early morning planet.
— M.A.L.
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