Sunrise Sunset

Fri., Oct. 29 7:09 5:40

Sat., Oct. 30 7:10 5:39

Sun., Oct. 31 7:12 5:38

Mon., Nov. 1 7:13 5:36

Tues., Nov. 2 7:14 5:35

Wed., Nov. 3 7:15 5:34

Thurs., Nov. 4 7:16 5:33

Fri., Nov. 5 7:18 5:31

The planet Venus is about as close to the earth as it gets, about 25 million miles away. Finding it in the sky is especially difficult right now, because it is between the earth and the sun. But spotting will get easier in the mornings ahead. Earth’s nearest neighbor has shifted from being a sunset to a sunrise planet.

For those who rise early and are already outside before sunrise, the question is: “How soon will it be before you notice it?”

Venus is in the zodiacal constellation Virgo and it moves close to the bright star Spica. It will hug the eastern sky through the month.

For those with a low skyline, the planet might be visible just before sunrise early next week. A thin crescent moon appears low in the southern sky every morning before sunrise. The moon is above and close to both Spica and Venus on Thursday morning.

The moon appears near the ringed planet Saturn on Wednesday morning.

Throughout the new month, Jupiter is the easiest planet to find, appearing high in the southeastern sky right after sunset. It is brilliant and outshines all the other stars in the sky. Jupiter is in the zodiacal constellation Pisces.

The Taurid meteor shower takes place in the first nights of November. Meteors will appear to radiate from the zodiacal constellation Taurus. The best chance to see the meteors is late, when the constellation is high in the east.
