What follows are an edited selection of reader comments reacting to the June 3 Gazette story about new rules for dogs on Lambert’s Cove Beach.
What a miserable enforcement nightmare this will be. Joan’s life is busy enough already, without adding this sort of automatic-torture “legislation.”
Tom Hodgson
West Tisbury
Dogs are part of the family, but Lambert’s Cove Beach is being loved to death by too many dogs. My cousin was bit on the leg just this week . . . people don’t go because the beach is gaining the moniker dog poop beach. Sorry folks. If you can’t control your dogs, you should think about others first and leave your dogs at home. To be fair, that would have to go for residents as well as for visitors during the summer. It’s sad, but the congestion is becoming an unreasonable burden to patrol and a health and safety issue. Perhaps a different venue or maybe one day a week for dog owners. There needs to be a reasonable change and compromise. What would Solomon do? Well, I hope that we don’t have to go that far, but let’s find a solution that is agreeable and fair.
Jim Powell
West Tisbury
Dogs allowed on beach in non-swimming weather only, Sept. 15 to May 15 — something like that might do it. Not that I’m allowed on Lambert’s Cove Beach anyway, unless I swim over.
Erik, want to join me?
Christopher Gray
I would like to hear from the expert on these beach matters, Erik Albert. Paging Mr. Albert? You always have a well thought out and legitimate viewpoint. Please post?
Alison Kent
Dogs don’t belong on a bathing beach. On a sunny summer’s day, it’s too hot for dogs on the beach. And even if a dog owner does pick up after his or her dog, there is still dirty sand left behind. This is a beach where people place their towels on the sand in order to relax, and where children dig in the sand with their bare hands — bathers and children should not have to lie around on and dig in dirty sand on one of the most beautiful beaches on earth.
By the sound of things, I’m kind of glad that I’m restricted to dog-free Bend in the Road Beach.
As for Mr. Albert, I’m sure he’s laughing his head off over this.
Sara Piazza
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