Sunrise Sunset

Fri., June 24 5:07 8:19

Sat., June 25 5:08 8:20

Sun., June 26 5:08 8:20

Mon., June 27 5:08 8:20

Tues., June 28 5:09 8:20

Wed., June 29 5:09 8:20

Thurs., June 30 5:10 8:19

Fri., July 1 5:10 8:19

The last nights of June are mostly moonless. For those who like to look at the stars, this is a wonderful opportunity. The moon won’t interfere until well after 3 a.m.

The stars of summer are here for those out looking after 10 p.m. The bright star Arcturus of Bootes is overhead.

The brightest star in the east is Vega in the constellation Lyra. And behind it are the stars in the constellation Cygnus, the Swan, which also is called the Northern Cross. Vega is among the many stars that stand out, in front of the Milky Way. Our galaxy, the Milky Way, runs along the eastern horizon at 10 o’clock. The zodiacal constellation Scorpius, with its bright red star Antares, is hovering just above the southern horizon and is the southernmost tip. More summer stars are ahead in the coming month.


The ringed-planet Saturn appears high in the western sky and is in the zodiacal constellation Virgo. Saturn is easy to spot, for it looks like a double star. Saturn is right next to a fainter star in the constellation.

The rest of the visible planets can only be seen in the morning. Jupiter rises in the east at about 3 a.m. Jupiter is in the zodiacal constellation Pisces. A thin crescent moon appears near Jupiter on Sunday morning.

Closer to dawn, the planets Mars and Venus rise in the east. Mars rises first. Venus rises amid the light of dawn.
