Sunrise Sunset

Fri., July 1 5:10 8:19

Sat., July 2 5:11 8:19

Sun., July 3 5:11 8:19

Mon., July 4 5:12 8:19

Tues., July 5 5:12 8:19

Wed., July 6 5:13 8:18

Thurs., July 7 5:14 8:18

Fri., July 8 5:14 8:18

A thin crescent moon will hug the southwestern sky on the evening of Monday, July 4. If the weather cooperates, viewers will not only have a great view of a manmade spectacle, but will see the earth’s nearest neighbor before it slips below the horizon.

The moon appears just below the bright star Regulus in the zodiacal constellation Leo.

Three nights later, on Thursday night, the first quarter moon appears next to the bright planet Saturn. The two are in the zodiacal constellation Virgo. Take a peek. Saturn appears close to one of the principal stars in Virgo. Together, the two look like a double star.

Saturn hangs in our western sky after sunset, but there is no convenient time to look at the other visible planets.

The brightest planet is Venus, hugging closely to the eastern horizon before sunrise. Jupiter, the second brightest, is easier to find, but doesn’t rise in the east until about midnight. Jupiter is under the zodiacal constellation Aries.

The distant red planet Mars does not rise in the east until after 3 a.m. The planet is in the zodiacal constellation Taurus, the bull. Mars is a dull red, barely noticeable against a sea of other comparably bright stars.

Its distinct reddish color sets Mars apart from all the other stars.
