An endless summer is a dream of mine, and there are bright, hot days in mid-July when this dream appears attainable. The sun is powerful and blinding, the sands on the beach comfortable enough to sink into, and there is this pervasive sense that the season could be infinite.
Time keeps elapsing though, even (or especially) when you aren’t sure what day of the week it is. July gives way to August, and the skies darken way too early in the evening. President Obama and his family leave once again, a hurricane glances the Island, college students return to school and then summer ends, without fanfare, like a neglected bonfire at a beach party.
It was in this mood that I decided to set out in search of how others felt on these last blissful days before fall carries so many back to their other lives.
David LeBreton, the largely unflappable, always articulate owner of Edgartown Books, is usually the last of his family to leave the Island for winter. Therefore he is usually the one to close up shop and find storage for his family’s summer gear. Rather than regard the task as a burden, Mr. LeBreton takes pleasure in the extra couple of days he gets to spend on Island.
“For a few days I find myself alone and reflective and busy, and prefer it that way,” he said. “Unlike the endless nuisance of opening things up in June, I enjoy the quiet solitude of September chores.”
This is his time to “contemplate and be grateful for a lifetime of utter contentment on the rock.”
Mr. LeBreton’s last stop at the end of summer is the Edgartown cemetery, “to let departed old friends and family know that all is well, that I’ll be back soon.”
Kristin Santangelo who works at Stefanie Wolf Designs in Oak Bluffs is a wisp of a girl with a thunderous singing voice befitting someone two or three times her size. She once sang for this writer on the sidewalk above Inkwell Beach, creating such a stunning performance that strangers stopped and applauded.
I share my dream of an infinite summer with her and she relates.
“Summer’s very important,” she says. “My most vivid memories are from summers. It’s when the most stuff happens in my life.”
I agree but I also have an attachment to seasons, mostly, I must admit, because fall, spring and winter make me appreciate summer all the more. But this isn’t just about having fun. In fact, I’m never as conscious of my own mortality as I am on a lazy August afternoon. Summer makes me feel alive, even while emphasizing that this won’t always be the case.
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