Welcome to Rose Tucker of Glens Falls, N.Y., who is spending three great weeks here visiting her son, Peter Tucker, and his family, as well as daughter, Connie Hyde and her lovely girls, Nahani, age six, and Amaya, age two-and-a-half. Rose has been on Island many times before but knows this is the best time of year. All her grandchildren are delighted with her visit.
Jim and Trude Hart of Lenny’s Loop have their son, Ron, and daughter in law, Diane, visiting from New Jersey. I never seem to catch up with Ron and Diane because they are always out cycling. I wonder if they are joining CycleMartha’sVineyard which commences tomorrow?
Alas! When I should be congratulating people for moving onward and upward I end up feeling sorry for myself for the loss of their company. My favorite editor and reporter, married couple Lauren Martin and hubby Mike Seccombe, are moving back to Australia. How we shall all miss them at the Gazette! I have never seen Australia and would certainly like to, so I have offered my services as their nanny. I will miss them so.
I’m giving you a heads-up on next Friday’s opening event of the annual chocolate festival at Featherstone for the Arts. Your RSVP is wanted by Oct. 4, tickets are $50 to the premiere party next Friday night. Call 508-693-1850 to reserve your spot or visit I’ll see you there.
It’s not too soon for you crafty people to begin preparing unique work for the annual Hospice of Martha’s Vineyard fundraiser, Homemade from the Heart. Elaine Eugster has put out the call for knitted items, paintings, photos, needlepoint, anything you can make with love. Call her at 508-693-7614.
Herb Ward is still calling out to all classmates from the Class of 1966 for their 45th reunion to be held on Oct. 15 and 16. Contact Herb at 508-693-7683.
There is a special free workshop tonight at 6 p.m. at the Howes House in West Tisbury on grantwriting, presented by the Martha’s Vineyard Cultural Council. The staff will walk you through the process and support you all the way. Grant applications for the council are due by Oct. 15.
Our library offers Jeanne Campbell’s photography in a program called Iceland: Land of Fire and Ice, on Tuesday Oct. 4 at 7 p.m. Follow that at the library on Wednesday night at 7 p.m. with two poets and their guitars, Dan Waters and Michael West. Can’t beat our library for entertainment!
Our Martha’s Vineyard Museum at 59 School street in Edgartown opens an exhibit on shipwrecks of Martha’s Vineyard tomorrow. Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Our sympathy goes out to the friends and families of Gloria Steere and Basil Welch.
Anniversary bouquets are sent to Ray and Laurel Redington-Whitaker on Oct. 5. Donny and Hildy Mitchell celebrate many years of wedded bliss on Oct. 6.
Belated birthday balloons are sent to Tisbury School fave music teacher, Peter Boak, who celebrated on Sept. 21.
The birthday bandwagon pulls along Kandace Sylvia, Gay Smith and Walter Burke today. Tomorrow belongs to Alan Peterson, Alyssa Mayrand and Allie Clark. Oct. 2 is shared by Bill Wingert and Mary Etherington. Oct. 3 shines on Toby Codding and Jeanie Hay-Sternbach. Oct. 4 is a party for Liz Figueroa Gardella, Rebecca Palmer, Lizzie Andrews, Zach Post and Michael Sawyer. And on Oct. 6 Megan Willey and Ross MacPherson take the cake. Many happy returns.
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