I am quite a bit uncomfortable this year with presenting you my traditional holiday wish list. I know so many of us have been having very hard financial times. I shall present it anyway, out of the hope that some of you can donate. All of my wishes are on-Island.
The Red Stocking Fund: This provides Island children with something under the tree, including mittens, hats, scarves, and jackets. New toys may be donated separately, but Red Stocking funds are not spent on them. Contact Lorraine Clark or Kerry Alley to see how to help.
The Animal Shelter of Martha’s Vineyard: Thank goodness this dedicated group stepped in when the MSPCA abandoned us. Send your check to P.O.Box 190, Edgartown.
Not enough can be said about our Martha’s Vineyard Community Services. You may indicate on your check what branch of the services you are donating to — Connect to End the Violence, the child care center, and so on.
Family-to-Family distributes full holiday meals to needy Island families, and it’s not too late to donate for Thanksgiving. Send your check to the Vineyard Committee on Hunger at P.O. Box 4685, Vineyard Haven.
In memory of Art Flathers and in honor of his hardworking wife, Kaye Flathers, who began Women Empowered on Martha’s Vineyard approximately 12 years ago, send a check to this wonderful nonprofit that helps men and women, at no cost, work on life skills.
Of course, the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts of America are especially close to my heart. You may indicate on your check that you want that donation kept for our troops on-Island.
I could not have worked and raised my child without benefit of the Boys’ and Girls’ Club of Edgartown. Remember them in your gift-giving. Finally, if you are too strapped to send a donation this year, please consider volunteering your time at any of the above mentioned organizations, a library, senior center, church or synagogue of your choice, or help an adult or youngster with homework or learning to read. God bless you all.
Saturday, Nov. 26 is the annual 5K for KJ, a run through our beautiful state forest. Sign up at the high school cafeteria between 8 a.m. and 9:30 a.m., the race begins at 10 a.m. All proceeds benefit the cross-county scholarship fund.
Peacecraft begins its annual holiday sale on Friday, Nov. 25 and will run through Dec. 24. All items are handcrafted. All of the proceeds go to Haiti and other disadvantaged areas. Peacecraft is located at 13 Beach Road Extension, just across from the Black Dog Tavern. I’ll see you there.
Dark and cold earlier, no fun, except for Monday nights at 7:30 p.m. at my American Legion Post 257 on Martin Road. We all get together to play bingo, enjoy free refreshments, coffee and tea, and munch on hot dogs for only one dollar. Keep up with the community and meet me there.
Featherstone Center for the Arts began its holiday gift show on Nov. 19, which runs daily through Dec. 18 from noon to 4 p.m. Check out the contributions from Island artists at gift prices, from $5 to $250. Everyone wants something Island-made.
The Louisa Gould Gallery, always a fun place for a party, has a reception from 4 to 7 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 25. Meet the artists, see new works, and enjoy holiday treats. Louisa has some excellent new photos of her own on display, as well. I think of her as Main Street’s “It Girl.”
The West Tisbury Library Foundation, Inc. and State Road Restaurant have teamed up for an interesting series of “Speakeasies.” The next will be on Tuesday, Nov. 29 at 5:30 p.m. at the restaurant. Author Tony Horowitz will hold forth on his just-released hit book, Midnight Rising. This is a part-narrative, part-biographical account of John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry. Light refreshments and hors d’oeuvres will be served. Space is limited, call Carol Brush to make your reservation. Tickets are $125 per person, Carol’s number is 508-693-3489.
Herb Ward informs me that on Friday, Dec. 2 the second annual Festival of Wreaths will be held at the Federated Church’s Meetinghouse and Parish Hall. Admission is $15 to enjoy drinks and hors d’oeuvres, starting at 6 p.m. Reservations are not necessary, but you may call 508-627-4421 for further details. The wreaths are all beautifully handcrafted. You may buy a wreath or participate in the silent auction.
What is not to say about Rose Treat? What a talent, what a friend, what a woman. God bless us for having her here for almost 103 years!
The birthday bandwagon pulls along Nicole Cimeno and Martha Dunham on Nov. 25. Nov. 26 is a party for Kim Beal, Anna Elizabeth Carlson, and William Bishop. Nov. 27 is shared by Fan Tuttle and Heidi Schwab. Nov. 28 belongs to Joey Tobin and Aidan Gomez Blanco. Nov. 29 honors Laine Levandowski and my first grade teacher, Sister St. John Delany, PhD. Nov. 30 shines on Marcia Cunningham. And on Dec. 1 Becca Dunham takes the cake. Many happy returns.
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