Edgartown has named its first poet laureate, with the title bestowed upon Steve Ewing at the board of selectmen’s meeting Monday. According to the selectmen, Mr. Ewing’s primary responsibility as poet laureate is to prepare and deliver a poem at the annual town meeting.
Mr. Ewing’s only objection was to the title. “I don’t know what to say,” he told the selectmen. “I’m really honored. Poet laureate is kind of a fancy term . . . I’m just a local kid who likes to write.”
While selectmen joked that the post is a lifetime appointment, they said the poet laureate’s term has not yet been decided. At the meeting, Mr. Ewing read a Thanksgiving prayer that he wrote, receiving a round of applause at the conclusion. “That’s why we appointed you,” said selectman Margaret Serpa.
In other business, the selectmen appointed Jim Kelleher to the water commission, where he will replace William Erickson, who recently resigned. The selectmen unanimously voted for Mr. Kelleher, while water commissioners Robert Burnham and John Lovewell voted for William Waterway. Selectman and board chairman Arthur Smadbeck said four people applied for the post. The appointment lasts through April; voters will elect a commissioner at that time. The selectmen also approved the Harbor View Hotel’s plans to close for cleaning from Dec. 18 through Dec. 29, and plans for the hotel and Alchemy restaurant to serve alcohol until 1:30 a.m. on Jan. 1.
Animal control officer Barbara Prada, who is in her 30th year on the job, received high marks during her annual review. “I didn’t see any animals running loose on my way down here or on my walk this morning,” said Ms. Serpa.
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