Sunrise Sunset
Fri., March 23 6:40 6:56
Sat., March 24 6:38 6:57
Sun., March 25 6:37 6:58
Mon., March 26 6:35 7:00
Tues., March 27 6:33 7:01
Wed., March 28 6:32 7:02
Thurs., March 29 6:30 7:03
Fri., March 30 6:28 7:04
After sunset tomorrow look for a thin crescent moon appearing low in the southwestern sky. The moon is difficult to spot so close to the horizon. Those at Menemsha Beach, or at West Chop and East Chop have a chance. The moon will appear well below the bright planet Venus and Jupiter. Only those with an unobstructed view of the western horizon will see it.
The moon will be more visible Sunday night, when it appears higher in the west and near Jupiter.
And even more will see the crescent moon appearing close to the bright planet Venus on Monday night. That is the best view.
All three celestial objects, the moon, Jupiter and Venus, appear together in the zodiacal constellation Taurus, which we associate with winter and autumn. In spring, Taurus hangs low in the southwestern sky after sunset.
Mars and Saturn
The bright red planet Mars appears high in the eastern sky after sunset. Mars is in the zodiacal constellation Leo. Mars is the brightest of objects in the east. Not everyone notices the reddish tint. Take a look. Often the best way to distinguish color in a planet or star is to compare it to other stars in the neighborhood.
The ringed planet Saturn rises in the eastern sky late at night, before 11 p.m.. The planet is in the zodiacal constellation Virgo and its brightest star is Spica.
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