Everyone in the gardening and landscaping business has been commenting on how weird the season has been. We’ve been talking about the mild winter and super-warm spring. Both seem to be factors in how quickly the summer plants have moved along. I saw some New England fall asters blooming at the entry to the YMCA, for heaven’s sake.
I just reread some columns from previous Julys. Apparently, my age is taking its toll. I seem to have that annoying habit of grandmothers everywhere — commenting on the rapid passage of time. If I get back into the “It is what it is” mode I can move on. To all my customers out there . . . I’ll be there!
There is a great stand of perennial sunflowers at the Katama General Store. While you are there, notice the hops plant that has completely covered the sign post. I believe it is a mere three years old and quite impressive.
There are many noteworthy sights in Edgartown. Several folks have planted the tiny slivers of land between the white picket fence and the sidewalk. Between the cosmos, larkspur and poppies it is adorable. The good news is that it is a small area to tend.
At the McIntosh Motors sign on the Edgartown-West Tisbury Road there is a creme-colored dahlia in full bloom. It’s enormous. I’m sorry to say it again — doesn’t it seem early for dahlias?
One of my favorite plant combinations is popping up everywhere. Along Cow Bay there is a nice area of blue hydrangeas and orange day lilies. Those orange day lilies are at their peak. There is an enormous stand at the West Chop club. Violet and I took a drive out to the flag-pole observation spot during the thunderstorm last Sunday evening. We witnessed some shocking displays of lightening. The experience was completed by a triple rainbow on our way home.
For those of you with hedges needing to be trimmed I must offer a suggestion. Hedges should be smaller at the top to allow sunlight to get to the bottom. Plus, the top-heavy ones look unnatural — I’m just saying . . . .
In the vegetable world I must confess that I am still planting tomatoes. Honestly, you just can’t do everything. The garlic is very close to harvest. It has formed its bulbs but is still in the process of developing its paper. I’ve been pulling and eating some.
Morie is nothing if not determined. She spent a good part of an afternoon picking potato bug larva from the potato patch. She filled a jar with their gross bodies. Yuck. This was in spite of the fact I picked the yellow eggs from the plants a few weeks ago. Then I applied diatomaceous earth to no avail. Supposedly, it pierces the bodies of insects causing them to dry out. It is the ground-up exoskeletons of tiny sea creatures. One form is used in swimming pool filters. I wish I could tell you it worked on the potato bugs.
Something ate every single morning glory planted along the garden fence. I guess it was rabbits since they left nothing for forensic study. I wonder why I persist?
I have used a Stachys Hummelo for several years. It is a wonderful plant, very different from its cousin, lamb’s ears. The flowers last a couple of months and it doesn’t flop all over the place like regular lamb’s ears. The foliage is a textured green and attractive without flowers. It is great with yellow yarrow or moonbeam coreopsis.
I enjoyed the gardens at the Dr. Daniel Fisher House on Sunday. I especially liked the renovated gazebo. It was gifted to the Fisher House by the Thoron family of Seven Gates. I’m going to give Amira a ring to learn the history of the structure.
I was in Edgartown to attend the question and answer session with Elizabeth Warren. She was great and has my vote. Scott Brown, the darling of Wall Street, was the deciding vote against disclosure of campaign contributions by huge corporate interests. Karl Rove and his super pac have pledged fifty million dollars to Massachusetts in order to defeat Elizabeth Warren. I got lots of good material from the event for future comments in this column.
I have to use the rest of my space to say . . . OMG John Roberts! Who could imagine he would side with the liberals on the Supreme Court and uphold the Affordable Health Care law? Governor Romney and his advisors are falling all over themselves to spin it. How can they tell Americans to hate a law which clearly helps so many? I hope the President continues to explain the complicated law so that the easily misled can comprehend. The Tea Party has been loud in their fact-challenged opposition. If a falsehood is repeated long enough it sounds plausible.
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