Editors, Vineyard Gazette:
Comcast’s final offer requiring individual Chappy homeowners to pay $3,800 up front to receive cable service is the best evidence that the corporation has no intention of servicing our island. So we continue to be part of the 19 million Americans where high-speed Internet is not available, according to the Federal Communications Commission. Has Comcast negotiated with transparency with the all-Island town committee dealing with this issue? Edgartown’s Pam Dolby doesn’t think so. She has asked Comcast for “some type of proof that this project will cost $1.58 million.” Comcast spends billions in deals with NBC Universal, GE and other acquisitions, but plays financial hardball with us. Chairman Brian Roberts, in a recent interview about his corporation, said, “What do we stand for? What are our values?” I think we know.
Bob O’Rourke, Chappaquiddick
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