Holiday activity is humming at a fever pitch around town. Folks gathered for Thanksgiving, coming from near and far to be with family and friends. The Steamship Authority and Cape Air were busy transporting people to and from the Island. Most of us are still recovering after a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner shared with family and friends.
Today is the traditional start of the Christmas season and is considered by retailers to be the busiest shopping day of the year. There are just 32 shopping days remaining before Christmas!
When traveling the roads these days, especially at night, you are apt to see more deer than cars! Shotgun season for deer starts on Monday and will last for two weeks, so wear bright colored clothing if you walk in or near the woods.
Old Jack Frost paid us a visit Sunday and for early risers the temperature was 25 degrees. Most leaf-bearing trees are now bare.
Old friend Jane Konicki up in Webster reports that she has purchased all her gifts and will avoid Black Friday. She had her husband, Ed, put up her tree after their turkey dinner shared with family and friends. Friend and summer resident Judy Hall, out in Oklahoma City, will have her husband Malcolm put up their tree on Dec. 1, a family tradition. They entertained 40 people for Thanksgiving dinner and Malcolm is still cleaning up the place. Unlike Jane, she has not completed her shopping. She reports that there are great bargains and sales at Sheplers and will persuade him to take her out to lunch at Cattleman’s Café today. Another friend, Linda Baughman, was in Grand Rapids, Mich. for Thanksgiving.
Richard Knabel of Panhandle Road, along with Bob and Maggie Schwartz of Music street, entertained a gathering of family, friends and neighbors for Thanksgiving dinner at his home. Dick reports that it was a festive affair and a good time was had by all.
Richard and Ina Andre and son Nicolas of Old County Road celebrated Thanksgiving at their home after Richard collected the eggs at his farm. His brother Keith and wife Patty and their children Michael and Kaitlyn of Long Island, N.Y. came down for Thanksgiving and the holiday weekend.
Anna and I went up to Boston to the Angel Flight NE dinner and fundraiser last Friday afternoon in Boston. It was a formal, festive affair with over 200 people attending. We stopped in East Taunton on the way home and visited Nicole Alley and her husband Arsen Hambardzumian and grandson Robbie at their place. The weekend before they came to the Island to visit us. Arsen had several septic inspections to make in Vineyard Haven.
Michelle Meyers, the Vineyard airport tower chief, reports that the tower received the coveted Tower of the Year award recently. (Michelle is too modest to report that she was selected manager of the year.) She wants to thank her co-workers and airport management for their help and support.
The Martha’s Vineyard Horse Council will be hosting its annual awards brunch on Dec. 2 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Grange Hall.
Tara Whiting would like to thank all poll workers at the election earlier this month. They did a swell job coping with the record 85 per cent voter turnout.
Marian Irving reports that the annual Christmas Faire at the Congregational Church is Dec. 8 from 9:30 a.m. till 2:30 p.m. The Christmas Faire features Christmas wreaths, centerpieces and miniature trees. A special emphasis this year will be on creating handmade boxwood wreaths. Advance orders will be accepted with a choice of ribbon color and decoration through Dec. 5. Call the church office at 508-693-2842 to place your order.
Katherine Long of Scotchman’s Lane has set the date for her potluck Winter Solstice party, one of the premier holiday parties. It will be held on Dec. 16. Everyone is welcome, except dogs.
Kristin Buck, president of the Martha’s Vineyard Women’s Network, asks that you join them as they kick off the holiday season at Edgartown Meat and Fish. Owners Sean and Erin Ready will offer wine tastings, coffee samples and complimentary hors d’ouevres. Take time before your to-do list gets really long to network with fellow women in business.
Happy birthday to Jim Barrett, Paddy Moore, Richard Greene and Robert Julier today; Nick Bayer, Teddy Karalekas, Paul McMahon and Ken Belain tomorrow; Dan Waters, Dana Anderson, and E.J. Sylvia Jr. on Sunday; Maria Gaskill, Arsen Hambardzumian, W. Arthur Bingham and Owen White on Monday; Cindy Barrett, Joe Amaral, Sarah Powell, Eleanor Waldron and Whitney Brush on Tuesday; Valerie Becker, Shannon Gregory, Gary Montrowl and Edward Zlotkowski on Wednesday; and Tara Whiting, Mary Gould, Bob Schwier, Gene Bergeron and Emily Wetherall on Thursday. Belated birthday wishes to Peter Ochs. Belated anniversary wishes to Otis and Mary Rogers.
Well, that is all of the news for this week’s social column. If you have any news, please don’t hesitate to email or call. Happy Thanksgiving! Have a great week.
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