Editors, Vineyard Gazette:
The average house size in America in the 1960s was 1,200 square feet. Two thousand square feet of house is big, 5,000 square feet is huge, yet 10,000 and bigger is becoming commonplace. If everyone builds out to zoning capacity not only will the bird and other animal populations dwindle because of habitat destruction but the middle class would get priced out too (not to mention the drain on natural resources). We put up a bird feeder outside our home in Gay Head; it was a gift from my daughter Dylan to her daddy. Almost immediately hundreds of birds flocked to it and she was beyond excited to see the cardinals, chickadees, warblers and many, many more. It’s my wish for her that they return every year. Lets keep the Vineyard healthy and limit housing size here. I applaud the Chilmark planning board for addressing this important issue.
Kaysea and Dylan Hart, Aquinnah
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