Editors, Vineyard Gazette:
Platters of gratitude and bowlfuls of appreciation should be served up to the town of Edgartown police department for the delicious and entertaining lunch its members provided at the Edgartown firehouse last Friday afternoon. Delicious lobster rolls, stuffed quahaug, chowder and chicken salad were on the menu together with introductions to, and presentations from the men and women who serve.
Although a special invitation went out to all Edgartown seniors, including those who dine frequently at the Anchors, Edgartown’s Council on Aging, the event was an open house for all Edgartown residents and free for those who came. More than 60 hungry Edgartowners attended, taking advantage of the police department hospitality. All agreed it was delicious and that in addition to providing excellent public safety, department members have a talent for catering and the culinary arts.
A tour of the department facility followed. On behalf of everyone and especially the staff and gang at the Anchors, a big thank you to the men and women of the Edgartown police department. Please do it again next year.
Paul Mohar, Edgartown
The writer is administrator for the Edgartown Council on Aging.
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