Senior Graduate Scholarships and Awards
Alfred Metell Memorial Health Sciences Scholarship: Smith, Katherine, $1,500.
Alice Blackwood Memorial Scholarship: Bick, Rayne, $1,000.
Alida Carey Gulick Memorial Scholarship: Freitas, Andrew, $1,000.
American Legion Ladies Auxillary Scholarship: Valley, Samantha, $500.
Boathouse Foundation Culinary, Hospitality Scholarship: Brown, Sivana, $3,500; Lowell-Bettencourt, Charlotte, $3,000; McAndrews, Sean, $3,500.
Bradford & Dorothy Church Memorial Scholarship: Benedetto, Lucy, $1,000; Bennett, Isabella, $1,000; Bermudes, Paris, $2,000; Boland, Clare, $1,000; Brockmeyer, Dylan, $1,000; Burchill, Kevin, $1,000; Burke, Robert, $1,000; Carlomagno, Vincent, $1,000; Cooper, Julia, $2,000; D’Angelo, Margaret, $1,000; Donegan, Katherine, $1,000; Dostal. Lauren. $2,000; Fligor, Amy, $1,000; Hackney, Annabelle, $1,000; Hersh, Stuart, $1,000; Howell, Fionnuala, $1,000; Maynard, Clara, $1,000; Mendenhall, Megan, $1,000; Nitardy, Paige, $2,000; Perzanowski, Eric, $1,000; Piland, Michael, $1,000; Poggi, Taylor, $1,000; Roberts, John, $1,000; Rodrigues, Harrison, $1,000; Schneider, Nathaniel, $1,000; Shapiro, Tyler, $1,000; Smith, Justin, $1,000; Stewart, Katherine, $1,000; Wallace, John, $1,500.
Bradford Pachico Memorial Scholarship: Anderson, Navardo, $300.
BravEncore Jim Novack Scholarship: Antonsson, Kathryn, $500.
Cape Cod Association Scholarship: Bernard, Zackary, undisclosed; Cimeno, Emily, undisclosed; de Geofroy, Olivia, undisclosed; deForest, Job, undisclosed; Hutchinson, Alayna, undisclosed; Lawrence, Jacob, undisclosed; Lowell-Bettencourt, Charlotte, undisclosed; Maseda, Brendan, undisclosed; Mazza, Alexandra, undisclosed; Rossi, Joseph, undisclosed; Schroeder, Michael, undisclosed; Smith, Katherine, undisclosed.
Cape Cod Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America Scholarship: Smith, Katherine, $1,500
Cape Cod Community College Scholarship Selected by MVRHS: Abreu, Samantha, $500; Bruni, Kaitlyn, $500.
Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank Charitable Foundation Lap Top Computer Award: Cooperrider, Benjamin, computer.
Charles A. Davis Memorial Scholarship Offered by MV Regional Teachers & Educators Association: Hall, Charlotte, $1,000; Quinn, Lila, $1,000.
Chartwells Hospitality Scholarship: Mackenzie, Eamon, $1,000.
Chilmark School P.T.O. Scholarship Fund: Smith, Katherine, $500.
Chilmark Volunteer Firemen Association David Kurth Memorial: Bennett, Isabella, $1,000.
Chilmark Volunteer Firemen Association Scholarship: Chapman, Cooper, $500; Maynard, Clara, $500; Parkhurst, Nicole, $1,000; Riseborough, Margaret, $500; Rossi, Joseph, $500.
Chilmark Volunteer Firemen Association William E. Smith Memorial: Smith, Katherine, $1,000.
Churchill Memorial Scholarship: Segel, Brandon, $500.
Comcast Leaders & Achievers Scholarship: Burchill, Kevin, $1,000.
Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizen Award: Jacobs, Dana, $1,000.
Daughters of the American Revolution/MV Seacoast Defence Chapter Liberty Pole Scholarship: Hill, Michael, $2,000.
Daughters of the American Revolution/MV Seacoast Defence Chapter Scholarship in Memory of Fannie Allen Deane: Gramkowski, Taylor, $2,000.
David & Mary Golart Memorial Scholarship: Dandeneau, Kelsey, $2,500.
David Brand Memorial Scholarship: O’Malley, Jack, $500.
David D. Willey Scholarship Fund: Aldeborgh, Tjark, $1,000; Hill, Shay, $1,000.
Dorothy Block Memorial Scholarship: D’Olympia, Forrest, $1,500.
Dorothy West Scholarship Fund: Bick, Lily, $2,500.
Dr. Edward Worth Scholarship: Harris, Stephanie, $700
Dukes County Deputy Sheriff’s Association Scholarship: Andrade, Douglas, $2,000; Mazza, Alexandra, $2,000; Robinson, Kendall, $2,000; Silvia, Jenna, $2,000; Smith, Katherine, $2,000; Tattersall, Alec, $2,000.
Edgartown Fireman’s Association Scholarship: Costello, Nicholas, $3,000; Hurley, Brian, $3,000; Koorse, Jackson, $3,000; Sadowski, Victoria, $3,000; Sawyer, Ryan, $3,000; Silva, Jennifer, $3,000;
Edgartown Patrolman’s Association Scholarship: Bettencourt, Kassidy, $3,000; Costello, Nicholas, $3,000.
Edmond G. Coogan Public Service Award: Forend, Skylah, $2,500.
Elmer Hobson DeLoura Scholarship: Abreu, Samantha, $2,500; Aldeborgh, Tjark, $2,000; Anastacio, Bradley, $2,500; Andrade, Douglas, $2,000; Aranzabe, Martin, $2,500; Bernard, Zackary, $2,500; Buchanan, Megan, $2,500; Burton, Annie, $2,500; Casey, Leah, $2,000; Cimeno, Bryan, $2,500; Cimeno, Emily, $2,000; Costello, Nicholas, $2,000; Craig, Texiera, $2,500; deForest, Job, $2,500; Gramkowski, Taylor, $2,500; Hall, Charlotte, $2,000; Hart, Jennifer, $2,500; Howell, Fionnuala, $2,000; Hurley, Brian, $1,700; Hutchinson, Alayna, $2,500; Joba-Woodruff, Kyle, $2,500; Lawrence, Jacob, $2,500; Leonard, Kent, $2,500; Lowell-Bettencourt, Charlotte, $2,500; Mahoney, Ella, $2,500; Marinelli, David, $2,500; McDonough, Patrick, $2,500; Meacham, Sterling, $2,500; Natichioni, Marc, $2,500; Quinn, Lila, $2,000; Riseborough, Margaret, $2,500; Rossi, Joseph, $2,500; Silva, Jennifer, $2,500; Simon, Sierra, $2,500; Smith, Katherine, $2,000; Ulyatt, James, $2,500; Willoughby, Kylee, $2,500; Thompson, Sara, $2,000.
Eric Bergeron MacLean Memorial Varsity Hockey Scholarship: Davies, Maxwell, $1,000.
Ethel A. Wood Memorial Scholarship: Cooper, Julia, $1,500; Roberts, John, $1,500.
Falmouth Lodge #2380 B.P.O. Elks Club Scholarship: Bettencourt, Kassidy, $500.
Foster Silva Scholarship: Koorse, Jackson, $1,500.
Francis Pachico Memorial Scholarship: McCarthy, Hailee, $1,000.
Friends of Vineyard Soccer Scholarship: Howell, Fionnuala, $1,000; Roberts, John, $1,000.
General George Goethal’s Post #257 American Legion Scholarship: Silvia, Jenna, $500.
George M. & Edith H. Codding Scholarship Fund: Bilzerian, Benjamin, $5,000.
Georgia Roth Scholarship Fund: Bruni, Kaitlyn, $2,500; Cimeno, Bryan, $2,500.
Gretchen Manter Memorial Scholarship: Burton, Annie, $1,000.
Henry A.&Liza C. Pease Memorial Scholarship: Koorse, Jackson, $1,000; Sadowski, Victoria, $1,000.
Herbert Nathan Putnam III Mulligan Fund: McLaughlin, Paige, $1,000.
Holy Ghost Association Scholarship: Bettencourt, Kassidy, $2,000; Bilzerian, Benjamin, $1,000; Buchanan, Megan, $1,000; Burton, Annie, $1,000; Chaves, Samantha, $1,000; Cooperrider, Benjamin, $1,000; Costello, Nicholas, $1,000; Davies, Maxwell, $1,000; deBettencourt, Michael, $2,000; deForest, Job, $1,000; Enos, Caleb, $1,000; Forend, Skylah, $1,000; Hill, Shay, $1,000; Koorse, Jackson, $1,000; Marinelli, David, $1,000; Maseda, Brendan, $1,500; Mazza, Alexandra, $1,000; Mouzinho, Vitor, $1,000; Natichioni, Marc, $1,000; Oliver, Jacob, $1,000; Oliver, Joseph, $2,000; Robinson, Kendall, $1,000; Rodrigues, Harrison, $1,000; Smith, Katherine, $1,000; Tattersall, Alec, $1,000; Wilkins II, Thomas, $2,000; Willoughby, Kylee, $1,000; Thompson, Sara, $1,000.
Holy Ghost Association Scholarship in Memory of Louis R. Toscano: McDonough, Patrick, $1,000.
Hoop Club Scholarship: Robinson, Kendall, $1,000; Watkins, Brandon, $1,000.
Hutker Architects, Inc. Design Scholarship: Thompson, Sara, $750.
Ice House Charitable Education Trust Scholarship: Bennett, Isabella, $1,000; Jacobs, Dana, $1,000.
J.W.H. Memorial Scholarship: Mello, Cassandra, $1,000.
Jack Spear Memorial Golf Scholarship: deBettencourt, Michael, $1,000.
Javan E. Bayne Memorial Scholarship: Hazell-El-Deiry, Isabella, $2,000.
Jena Pothier Flying Horses Scholarship: Donovan, Paige, $1,500; Johnson, Katharine, $1,500; Smith, Katherine, $1,000.
John G. Rogers Memorial Scholarship: Whitney, Darci, $300.
John, Elise, & Ellen Goepper Scholarship: Ashmun, Charles, $1,000; Becchio, Olivia, $1,000; Fligor, Amy, $1,000; Maynard, Clara, $1,000; Mendenhall, Megan, $1,000; Stewart, Katherine, $1,000.
Kevin Johnson Cross Country Scholarship Award: D’Angelo, Margaret, $750; Joba-Woodruff, Kyle, $750; Schroeder, Michael, $750; Simon, Sierra, $500.
L. Grant Ducharme Memorial Derby Scholarship: Wilkins II, Thomas, $500.
League of Women Voters of MV Scholarship: Hill, Michael, $1,000.
Leo C. Driscoll Memorial Scholarship: Rancich, Gage, $1,000.
Lillian B. Perry Memorial Scholarship: Hackney, Annabelle, $1,500.
Louis Toscano Memorial Scholarship: Fligor, Amy, $1,000.
Martha’s Vineyard Camp Meeting Association Scholarship: Hutchinson, Alayna, $4,000; Joba-Woodruff, Kyle, $4,000.
Martha’s Vineyard Hospital Scholarship Fund: Piland, Michael, $1,000; Poggi, Taylor, $1,000.
Martha’s Vineyard Peace Council Scholarship: DeGregorio, Cecelia, $500.
Marvin Joslow Memorial Given by Aquinnah/Gay Head Community Association: Hutchinson, Alayna, $500; Mahoney, Ella, $500.
Mary D. Coles Foundation Scholarship Program: Anderson, Shavanae, $2,000; Antonsson, Kathryn, $2,000; de Geofroy, Olivia, $1,000; Estes, Aoife, $2,000; Gruner, Sarah, $2,000; Hall, Charlotte $2,000; Jacobs, Dana, $2,000; Mahoney, Ella, $2,000; McHugh, Sheila, $2,000; Moore, Hannah, $2,000; Parkhurst, Nicole, $2,000; Sadowski, Victoria, $2,500; Shapiro, Tyler, $2,000; Valley, Samantha, $2,500; Thompson, Sara, $1,000.
Mebbit Morano Memorial Scholarship: Hutchinson, Alayna, $1,000; Meacham, Sterling, $1,000.
Meredith Thayer Memorial Scholarhship: Koorse, Jackson, $500.
Minnesingers Excellence Award Provided by Minnesingers Parent Group: Chaves, Samantha, $400; de Geofroy, Olivia, $500; McNeely, Taylor, $500; Oslyn, Samuel, $400; Rancich, Gage, $500; Riseborough, Margaret, $400; Valley, Samantha, $400.
Martha’s Vineyard Agricultural Society Scholarship: Bilzerian, Benjamin, $1,000; Chaves, Samantha, $1,500; Thompson, Oscar, $1,500; Whitney, Darci, $1,500; Wilkins II, Thomas, $1,000.
Martha’s Vineyard Art Association Scholarship: Moore, Hannah, $1,200; Thompson, Sara, $1,200.
Martha’s Vineyard Chamber Music Society: de Geofroy, Olivia, $1,000.
Martha’s Vineyard Community Television Scholarship: Anderson; Shavanae, $1,000; Chickering, Ian, $1,000; Enos, Caleb, $1,000; Perzanowski, Eric, $1,000.
Martha’s Vineyard Community Tennis Association Scholarship: Cooper, Julia, $500; McAndrews, Sean, $500; Sawyer, Ryan, $500.
Martha’s Vineyard Education Association: Buchanan, Megan, $1,500.
Martha’s Vineyard Garden Club Scholarship: Bilzerian, Benjamin, $1,500; Koorse, Jackson, $1,500.
Martha’s Vineyard Hebrew Center Scholarship: Hazell-El-Deiry, Isabella, $1,000.
Martha’s Vineyard Horse Council Scholarship in Honor of William M. Honey: Maynard, Clara, $1,000.
Martha’s Vineyard Insurance Group Scholarship: Bernard, Zackary, $1,000; Stevenson, Austin, $1,000.
Martha’s Vineyard Post #186 American Legion Scholarship: Kuehne, Tayla, $1,000.
Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass & Bluefish Derby Scholarship: Anderson, Shavanae, $5,000; Chaves, Samantha, $10,000; Joba-Woodruff, Kyle, $5,000; Koorse, Jackson, $10,000.
Martha’s Vineyard Surfcasters Association Scholarship: Koorse, Jackson, $1,000.
Martha’s Vineyard Touch Down Club: Tattersall, Alec, $1,000; Thomas, Jahmari, $1,000; Watkins, Brandon, $1,000; West, Harrison, $1,000.
Martha’s Vineyard Youth Leadership Initiative Award: Anderson, Shavanae, $250; Brown, Sivana, $250; Cooper, Julia, $100; Dandeneau, Kelsey, $100; Hazell-El-Deiry, Isabella, $250; Lawrence, Jacob, $100; Pikor, Charles, $100; Riseborough, Margaret, $100.
Martha’s Vineyard/NAACP Scholarship: Riseborough, Margaret, $1,500; Robinson, Kendall, $1,500; Watkins, Brandon, $1,500.
Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School Achievement Award: Anderson, Shavanae; Brown, Sivana; Chapman, Cooper; Cooperrider, Benjamin; Davies, Maxwell; deForest, Job; Hall, Charlotte; Haynes, Nathaniel; McLaughlin, Paige; Oliver, Jacob; Perzanowski, Eric; Rancich, Gage; Sadowski, Victoria; Uva, Joseph; Weston, Liam; Willoughby, Kylee.
Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School Faculty Leadership Award: Webster, Madeline, $1,000.
Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School Girls Hockey Scholarship: Smith, Katherine, $1,000.
Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School Girls Softball Booster Club Scholarship: Cimeno, Emily, $500; Lynn, Micheli, $500.
Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School Memorial Scholarship: Ribeiro, Mateus, $4,000.
Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School Outstanding Vocational Scholarship Award: Bilzerian, Benjamin, $1,000.
Nancy Orazem World Language Scholarship: Oslyn, Samuel, $350.
Oak Bluffs Fireman’s Civic Association Scholarship: Csapo-Moreis, Noah, $1,000; Forend, Skylah, $1,000; Marinelli, David, $1,000; Maseda, Brendan, $1,000.
Oak Bluffs Patrol Officers Anthony J. Bonito Memorial Scholarship: Lindland, Jennie, $1,500; Maseda, Brendan, $1,500.
Olga & Henry B. Smith Memorial Scholarship: Fligor, Amy, $2,000; Maynard, Clara, $2,000; Mendenhall, Megan, $2,000; Schroeder, Michael, $2,000; Stewart, Katherine, $2,000.
One Job At A Time, Inc. Scholarship: Uva, Joseph, $1,000.
Our Island Club Building Technology Scholarship: Joba-Woodruff, Kyle, $1,000; Natichioni, Marc, $3,000.
Peter L. DeBettencourt Memorial Scholarship: Chaves, Samantha, $1,000; Wilkins II, Thomas, $500.
Philbin Beach Scholarship: Hutchinson, Alayna, $300.
Principal’s Leadership Award: Cooper, Julia, $1,000.
Procter Smith, Jr. Memorial Scholarship: Watkins, Brandon, $1,000.
Rachael V. Williams Memorial Scholarship: Fritz, Katelyn, $1,750; Jordan Jr., Steven, $750.
Rotary Foundation Grant & Diana Bardwell Memorial Scholarship: Smith, Katherine, $2,000.
Ryan Mone Academic Award: Bruni, Kaitlyn, $500; West, Harrison, $500.
Ryan Mone Memorial Boys Varsity Hockey Scholarship: Hurley, Brian, $1,000.
Sail Martha’s Vineyard Donald Rappaport Legacy Scholarship: Andrade, Douglas, $500.
Scottish Society of Martha’s Vineyard: Antonsson, Kathryn, $1,000; Howell, Fionnuala, $1,000; Maseda, Brendan, $500; Tattersall, Alec, $500.
St. John’s Holy Ghost Society Scholarship: Weston, Liam, $700.
The following six awards are: Look, Dolby, Rebello Scholarship Provided by Steamship Authority Employees In Memory of David Look, Brian Dolby, Christopher Rebello, Rufus Peterson, Christian Manley, Peter Duart: Bernard, Zackary, $500; Burton, Annie, $500; Costello, Nicholas, $1,000; Mazza, Alexandra, $1,000; Poggi, Taylor, $500; Watkins, Brandon, $1,000; Wilkins II, Thomas, $500.
Superintendent’s Award: Roberts, John, $1,000.
Susan Copen Oken Fine Arts Excellence Award: Gruner, Sarah, $1,000.
The Cottager’s Inc. Scholarship: Hazell-El-Deiry, Isabella, $1,000; Lawrence, Jacob, $1,000; Mahoney, Ella, $1,000; Meacham, Sterling, $1,000.
The Louise, Sven and Anna Betty Carlson Scholarship Fund: Bick, Rayne, $1,500; Boland, Clare, $3,000; Brockmeyer, Dylan, $2,000; Hackney, Annabelle, $2,000; Hakala, Andrew, $3,000; Johnson, Katharine, $3,000; McNeely, Taylor, $3,000; O’Malley, Jack, $3,000; Webster, Madeline, $3,000.
Tisbury Firefighter’s Association Scholarship: Houston; Olyvia, $750; Maciel, Christopher, $1,500; McCarthy, Hailee, $750; Robinson, Kendall, $750; Rossi, Joseph, $750; Silvia, Jenna, $750; Tattersall, Alec, $750; Thompson, Oscar, $1,000.
Tisbury Police Relief Association Scholarship: Natichioni, Marc, $2,000.
Tisbury Police Relief Memorial Scholarship: Bernard, Zackary, $2,000.
Tony Bonito Scholarship Maseda, Brendan, $1,000.
University of Rhode Island Scholarship in Memory of Ryan Mone: Hill, Michael, $590.
Vincent Memorial Scholarship: Smith, Katherine, $4,000.
Vineyard Baseball, Inc. Scholarship: Maseda, Brendan, $500; Roberts, John, $500.
Vineyard Craftsmen & Artisans Festivals Memorial: Thompson, Sara, $2,000.
Vineyard Golf Club/Ray Ellis Caddie Scholarship Award: Maseda, Brendan, $15,000.
Vineyard Youth Tennis Scholarship: Burton, Annie, $500; Leonard, Kent, $500.
Vineyarder Award: Bilzerian, Benjamin, $1,000; McLaughlin, Paige, $1,000.
Walter F. and Dora Grain Memorial Scholarship Fund: Meacham, Sterling, $1,000.
West Tisbury Fireman’s Civic Association, Inc. Scholarship: de Geofroy, Olivia, $2,000; Haynes, Nathaniel, $2,000; Oliver, Jacob, $2,000.
William Bradford Whiting Memorial Scholarship: Mahoney, Ella, $1,000; Moore, Hannah, $1,000.
William Henry Smith Memorial Scholarship: Burke, Robert, $200.
Doris Pizzano/Women’s Club of Martha’s Vineyard Scholarship: Chaves, Samantha, $1,000; Mouzinho, Vitor, $1,000.
The Following Scholarships are Administered by the Permanent Endowment Fund for Martha’s Vineyard
Albridge C. & Margaret Righter Smith Scholarship Fund: Pikor, Charles, $1,200.
Alfred F. Ferro & Arthur T. Silva Scholarship Fund: McNeely, Taylor, $560; Mendenhall, Megan, $560.
Anne Madeiros Kent Scholarship Fund: Antonsson, Kathryn, $1,100; Chaves, Samantha, $2,000; Leonard;, Kent, $1,200;
Embarking Peacemaker Scholarship: Cooper, Julia, $500.
Island Community Chorus Peter R. Boak Music Award: de Geofroy, Olivia, $2,000.
James S. & Violet M. Rego Scholarship Fund: DeGregorio, Cecelia, $1,500; Mazza, Alexandra, $1,000; Smith, Katherine, $3,000.
Lumina/Darrell College Scholarship Fund: Abreu, Samantha, $3,000; Anderson, Shavanae, $2,500; Andrade, Douglas, $5,000; Aranzabe, Martin, $1,500; Bilzerian, Benjamin, $2,000; Brown, Sivana, $1,000; Buchanan, Megan, $2,000; Cutrer, Michael, $2,000; De Freitas, Diego, $3,000; Freitas, Andrew, $2,000; Gruner, Sarah, $2,000; Hazell-El-Deiry, Isabella, $2,000; Lindland, Jennie, $1,500; Maciel; Christopher, $3,000; Maseda, Brendan, $2,500; Mouzinho, Vitor, $3,000; Oliveira, Ruth, $1,000; Oslyn, Samuel, $5,000; Ribeiro, Mateus, $5,000; Sadowski, Victoria, $2,000; Silva, Jennifer, $2,000; Watkins, Brandon, $2,000; West, Harrison, $2,000; Thompson, Sara, $5,000; Willoughby, Kylee, $4,000.
Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank Charitable Foundation Scholarship: Bernard, Zackary, $5,000; Joba-Woodruff, Kyle, $5,000; Tattersall, Alec, $5,000.
Our Island Club Scholarship: Hutchinson, Alayna, $5,000; Lawrence, Jacob, $2,000.
Thomas H. & Barbara F. Lee Scholarship Fund: Thompson, Oscar, $1,000.
Walter & Irene Dumais Scholarship Fund: Bennett, Isabella, $1,000; Boland, Clare, $1,500; Burchill, Kevin, $1,000; Cooper, Julia, $1,000; Costello, Nicholas, $1,500; D’Angelo, Margaret, $1,500; Estes, Aoife, $1,000; Fligor, Amy, $1,000; Hall, Charlotte, $2,000; Hart, Jennifer, $1,000; Hersh, Stuart, $2,000; Howell, Fionnuala, $1,500; Hurley, Brian, $2,000; Jacobs, Dana, $2,000; Marinelli, David, $2,000; McDonough, Patrick, $1,000; McHugh, Sheila, $1,500; Nelson, Kaelin, $1,000; Poggi, Taylor, $1,000; Riseborough, Margaret, $1,500; Roberts, John, $1,000; Schroeder, Michael, $1,000; Stewart, Katherine, $1,000.
Post-Graduate Scholarships
Bradford & Dorothy Church Memorial Scholarship: Araujo, Tyler, $1,000; Brewer, Cody, $1,000; Cameron, Olivia, $1,000; Ciciora, Molly, $1,000; DaSilva, Gabriella, $1,500; Dreyer, Megan, $1,000; Frizzell, Emma, $1,000; Gosson, Erin, $1,000; Harcourt, Maya, $1,000; Higham, Olivia, $1,000; Krauss. Melanie, $1,000; Lowe, Mitchell, $1,000; Lowe, Emily, $1,500; McAndrews, Allison, $1,500; McCarthy, Michael, $1,000; Menton, Skylar, $1,500; Mercier, Justin, $1,500; Mercier, Nicole, $1,500; Montanile, Michael, $1,000; Pallas, Naomi, $1,500; Parece, Kristen, $1,500; Persson, Peter, $1,000; Pierce, Hayley, $1,500; Pine, Janelle, $1,000; Pringle, Julie, $1,000; Rasmussen, Trey, $1,000; Simon, William, $1,000; Stewart, William, $1,000; Tilton, Jayma, $1,000; Tucker, Justine, $1,000; Wallace, Liam, $1,000.
Cape Cod Association Scholarship: Anderson, William, undisclosed; Bettencourt, Luke, undisclosed; Burke, Della, undisclosed; Ciciora, Ben, undisclosed; Ciciora, Molly, undisclosed; Counsell, Chelsea, undisclosed; Coutinho, Cody, undisclosed; Handy, Kenneth, undisclosed; Hayes, Anna, undisclosed; Herman, Gail, undisclosed; Higham, Olivia, undisclosed; Huntington, Shaelah, undisclosed; Johnson, Kayla, undisclosed; Johnson, Sarah, undisclosed; Mayhew, Katherine, undisclosed; Minnehan, Courtney, undisclosed; Morris, Christopher, undisclosed; Nivala, Kaija, undisclosed; Poole, Natalie, undisclosed; Rossi, Haley, undisclosed; Scott, Naomi, undisclosed; Serpa, Caitlin, undisclosed; Sylvia, Anna, undisclosed; Vunk, Tyler, undisclosed; Williston, Emilyanne, undisclosed.
Elmer Hobson DeLoura Scholarship: Adler, Alyssa, $2,500; Adler, Amelia, $2,500; Altieri, Korrine, $2,000; Altieri, Kyle, $2,000; Clark, Caitlyn, $2,000: Clermont, Danielle, $2,500; Counsell, Chelsea, $2,000; Datta, Ambika, $2,000; Datta, Kunal, $2,000; DeBettencourt, Angela, $2,000; Ferry, Shelby, $2,500; Hammond, Evan, $2,000; Hammond, Genevieve, $2,000; Howell, Mary Louise, $2,000; Hughes, Madison, $2,000; Hughes, Taylor, $2,000; Huntington, Shaelah, $1,675; Janak, Christine, $2,500; Johnson, Kayla, $2,500; Jurczyk-Villota, William, $2,000; Lodge, Conor, $2,000; Lodge, Devon, $2,000; McCarthy, Dylan, $2,500; McCormick, Victoria, $2,500; Meacham, Harrison G., $2,500; Mussell, Courtney, $2,500; Nivala, Kaija, $2,500; Parris, Alexander, $2,500; Permar, Tessa, $2,500; Rossi, Haley, $2,500; Sadowski, Julia, $2,500; Seidman, David, $1,500; Shannon, John, $2,500; Vunk, Tyler, $2,500; Walsh, Kevin, $2,000; White, Heather, $2,500.
George M. & Edith H. Codding Scholarship Fund: Ferland, Alexandra, $5,000; Galligan, Kevin, $5,000; Jurczyk-Villota, William, $5,000.
Leo C. Driscoll Memorial Scholarship: Jerome, Nicholas, $2,000.
Martha’s Vineyard Chamber of Commerce Jim Lambert Memorial Scholarship-2012: Zell, Lyle, undisclosed; Cafarelli, Ashleen, undisclosed; Grimm, Sophia, undisclosed.
Mary D. Coles Foundation Scholarship Program: Buchanan, Brianna, $2,000; Curtis, Chad, $1,000; Gampfer, Austin, $1,000; Hewson, Haley, $2,000; Lampart, Patrick, $2,000; MacKenzie, Mariah, $1,000; Marlin, Hannah, $2,000; Mayhew, Katie, $1,000; Meacham, Harrison, $1,000; Minnehan, Courtney, $2,000; Mussell, Courtney, $2,000; Permar, Tessa, $1,000.
Martha’s Vineyard Agricultural Society Scholarship: Larsen, Abigail, $1,500.
Tisbury Firefighter’s Association Scholarship: Willston, Sara, $500; Kelleher, Elizabeth, $500; Balboni, Eva, $750.
West Tisbury Fireman’s Civic Association, Inc. Scholarship: Dorr, Alex, $2,000; Kaeka, Dwight, Jr., $2,000; Lowe, Emily, $2,000; Marzbanian, Trevor, $2,000; Shannon, John, $1,000.
The Following Scholarships are Administered by the Permanent Endowment Fund for Martha’s Vineyard.
Agnes Mello Scholarship Fund: Ferry, Shelby, $1,300.
Betty Ann Lima-Bryant Scholarship: Aristide, Alaina, $1,000; Edwards, Elizabeth, $1,000.
Caroline A. Secor Scholarship Fund: Edwards, Elizabeth, $1,000.
Dr. Clement N. Amaral and Vera E. Amaral Scholarship Fund: DeBettencourt, Kelsey, $1,900; Mayhew, Alyssa, $4,000.
Dr. David Rappaport Memorial Scholarship Fund: Aristide, Alaina, $1,500.
James S. & Violet M. Rego Scholarship Fund: Forbes, Emma, $2,000; Herman, Gail, $2,000; Hines, Katherine, $1,500; Huntington, Shaelah, $1,400; Kelleher, Jessica, $1,000; Willoughby, Jessica, $2,000.
Lumina/Darrell College Scholarship Fund: Altieri, Korrine, $1,500; Altieri, Kyle, $1,500; Araujo, Delmont, $1,500; Aristide, Adrian, $1,500; Azzolini, Marta, $1,500; Buchanan, Brianna, $1,000; Clark, Caitlyn, $1,000; Corts, Paula, $1,000; DeOliveira, Diana, $3,000; Ewing, Ray, $2,000; Ewing, Vivian, $2,000; Johnson, Kayla, $1,500; Minnehan, Courtney, $1,500; Nevin, William, $1,500; Oslyn, Justin, $1,000; Parris, Alexander, $1,500.
The Harriet N. Goldberg/Boston Seafarer’s Friend Scholarship Fund: Espino, Ramon, $2,500; Larsen, Abigail, $1,600; Reid, Daniel, $5,000. Thomas H. & Barbara F. Lee Scholarship Fund: deBettencourt, Angela, $1,400.
Walter & Irene Dumais Scholarship Fund: Curtis, Chad, $1,500; Hewson, Haley, $1,500; Marlin, Hannah, $1,500; Permar, Tessa, $1,000; Reynolds, Liza, $1,500; Thomas, Jesse, $1,000; White, Heather, $1,500.
Wendy Weisman Jenkinson Culinary Arts Fund: Moreis, Maxwell, $5,000.
Martha’s Vineyard
Regional High School
Memorial Fund Scholarship
Contributions have been received for the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School Memorial Fund in honor of the following people: Lisa Arcudi, Theresa Bettencourt, Erford O. Burt, John Camacho, Melvin F. Cleveland Jr., Julienne Costa, Theresa Cotter, Jon R. Cottle, Charles David, Ellen Eberhardt, Leroy Erickson, Harvey Scott Ewing, Scott Ewing, Nancy Fischer, Lorraine Fitzmaurice Kane, Jane Gallagher, Willis Gifford, David Golart, Carol L. Hamilton, Jeffrey Hayden, Robert M. Healey, Brendan Michael Hearn, Pierre Hebert, Marion Higgins, John T. Hough, Eleanore A. James, Milton Jeffers, Grace L. Kerns, Paul F. Kerns, Kenneth Lewis, Alison Linnell, Robert Luce, Eric Bergeron MacLean, Chief George W. Manter, Chief Henry McCabe, Naomi McCarron, Daniel McCarthy, Pegi McCarthy Nicholson, Ryan Mone, Peter Moreis, Kyra Morelli, Francis Pachico, Robert Post, Robert Riger, Eleanor Rogers, Phyllis Sanborn, Helen Scott, Thomas & Marie Scotten, Jeremiah Shea, Foster L. Silva, Kenneth Silvia,Dorothy St. Pierre, Judge Henry Tate, Mary Thomas, Clarence Ward, Mary Wimpenney.
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