Editor’s Note: Donald Mitchell, a lifelong Vineyarder, died last week at the age of 87. The following letter from him arrived at the Gazette office this week, more than one month after it was mailed, due to a post office error.


On Monday, August 12, I met an angel named Patty Lundin. I had fallen in the parking lot of Stop & Shop as I was chasing a runaway shopping cart. We found out later I had a dislocated shoulder, a torn ligament, a chipped bone, a cut above my eye and a bruised body, but all I knew was an angel had appeared from nowhere to provide comfort and to hold my head, which was bleeding badly.

Within minutes, several police officers arrived and soon thereafter, EMTs and an ambulance showed up. I was taken to the hospital emergency room and into the hands of the doctors and nurses there. Everyone involved in helping me had a job and did it wonderfully! I was so grateful to learn that while I was at the hospital, the police officers drove my car home, informed my wife about my accident — and even unloaded my groceries.

I am so thankful for all of the caring help I received, including the kind assistance from my home health caregivers. I want to thank everyone.

Donald Mitchell
Vineyard Haven