Anne Heywood has lost her knitting. And no, “knitting” is not a euphemism for “mind”. She was searching for it in all the likely corners of town and Chappy, but had yet to uncover it when she met me on the ferry. So if anyone finds knitting of any sort, please contact Anne. Even if one is reading this in Rome and finds a partially completed cardigan next to the Colosseum, let us know — it could be hers. My guess however is that whomever stole my whelk shell tee markers is also in possession of Anne’s knitting. But I will break up this crafters’ crime ring, I can assure you . . . if it’s the last thing I do . . . or second to the last before I watch the Sox game tonight.

New from Slip Away Farm: the farm stand will be open Saturdays and Sundays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. until Thanksgiving. On Saturday, Oct. 19 from 9 a.m. to noon the farm is holding a Fall Festival. Lily says, “We love fall and friends, so why not have a party that brings those two things together!” Everyone’s invited to the farm where there will be a fire going and Kevin Keady and the Cattle Drivers playing music. Slip Away veggies will be for sale, along with Vineyard Stories books, Lily K. Morris photos and cards, Krishana Collins flowers and Margaret Knight’s Wooligans — articles made from recycled sweaters. There will be some yummy tastings of food made from local foraging and harvesting. From 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Lily Morris will show people how to make their own variations of lacto-fermented sauerkraut using Slip Away veggies. And there will be face painting for kids. Come and enjoy the farm and your Chappy friends and neighbors. This should be a really great time and so evocative of Chappy in the fall. I only wish they did adult face painting, too — seems so unfair that kids get all the perks.

And speaking of Slip Away, Jason (co-creator) has embarked upon an artistic journey to Portland, Ore., to meet up with Kelsey — his partner in music. Together, Jason and Kelsey comprise Peghouse, a wonderfully, whimsically deep and thoughtful singing duo. I had the pleasure of hearing them perform at their greenhouse show this August and was blown away by their gift. It is not often that I come away from a free concert of any type thinking that I had spent my time well — but this was a notable exception. Jason and his cohorts at Slip Away are among the hardest working, creative and grittily determined people I’ve met (which is high praise coming from a boy raised on the mean streets of Pittsfield), so I am very happy for him that he is able to extricate himself from the farm and pursue his other creative interest out in Portland.

Anyone who has ever attempted to make a serious go of any artistic endeavor knows that the first step is . . . the first step — that long stride into committing yourself to the task. (I was once part of a singing group back in the sixties — Peter, Paul, and Mary and Brad — before I was ousted because of my Pez addiction, so I know of what I speak.) Jason will spend three months or so hunkered down in some sort of Portland-y studio (I envision the attic of a Victorian above a coffee house/jazzercise studio) making an album (or whatever kids these days call an LP). Best of luck to him, or better yet — aid Jason’s luck by visiting and contributing to the Peg House Project. Art needs heart.

In other news: it’s been drier than Bob Newhart’s wit out here on Chappy lately. The weather has threatened rain, but like a hopeless romantic claiming never to love again, it has failed to follow through with its promise. So I find myself doing some tedious hand watering on recently planted perennials — work I’d reasonably hoped my mother in nature would assume. Oh, moms.

Whenever we have a dry spell like this I feel somewhat like those old whalers must have felt, trapped on a dinghy in the high seas, water all around them, and only hard tack and collected perspiration as sustenance. Then I open the faucet and get my self a long cool glass of water. That’s why I don’t whale.

For all those waiting for news of the Royal and Ancient’s Crow Cup tourney held here at the esteemed links, I am (somewhat) happy to report that Charlotte Klein and Nick Bologna were this year’s victors and new possessors of the cup. I battled valiantly to keep it my possession, but ultimately felt that the poor folk from Edgartown deserved to experience some Chappy glory and dialed back my efforts. I am nothing if not generous. The Cup has been shipped to Venice (Florida) where a team of calligraphers are busily etching the crystal with the winners’ names.

I believe that Peter may have mentioned it once or twice, but one of the Chappy ferries will be pulled from service for scheduled maintenance and stuff this Oct. 20, so expect delays. So please, no surprised looks or exasperated pacing when encountering a ferry line — you’ve been well warned. In the interim, I will be offering rides across the harbor on my paddle board for the reasonable fee of $100. Each way.

And finally, has anyone contacted Comcast about the possibility of providing high speed Internet service to Chappy? Seems to me that it should be a cheap, easy and quick project. But I could be wrong.

Please tune in to Channel 5’s Chronicle this Friday at 7:30 p.m. for a fascinating look at our property here on Chappy. I should advise those of faint heart however that the heart throb that is Brad Woodger may (or may not) be heavily featured in the episode. Ladies, take your heart medications.