We are writing in opposition to the proposed two-lane bridge and parking lot to be voted on by the residents of Chilmark on April 28. Our family has been summering on the Vineyard for over 60 years. Our cottage is on the north side of Squibnocket Pond, directly across from the proposed parking lot. We recognize the need for access to Squibnocket Ridge, but a $4 million raised bridge for 12 seasonal residents makes no sense. The new parking lot will contribute to the destruction of a fragile barrier beach. It will need to be constantly repaired and eventually moved because of its location on the low ground between the beach and the pond. The “gift” of the beach in front of mussel shoals will not improve the town beach. Everyone knows there are rocks in the water! Who would pay to swim there? We strongly urge you to consider the long term effects of this ill-conceived project and vote it down.

Virginia and David Dawson