The Father’s Day weather was superb and dad got to relax, at least for one day. Summer begins tomorrow and the buses will be operating on their full summer schedule. It is also the official opening day for Lambert’s Cove Beach, when stickers will be required. We will experience a dramatic increase in the population and automobile traffic this weekend. The Farmers’ Market will soon be holding its Wednesday, 9 a.m. to noon session that runs until late September.

Over 50 antique automobiles, ranging from a Model T Ford to a 1976 Plymouth, arrived last Thursday. Their owners are members of the Boston Area Roadsters. Several of them stopped at the Field Gallery last Saturday and immediately drew a large crowd of people curious to see the cars close up. A beautifully restored 1949 Chevrolet seemed to draw a great deal of attention.

Nicole Alley and her husband Arsen Hambardzumian and their children Robbie and Henry came down to visit me on Father’s Day. We all had lunch together before they returned home. They plan to be back for a longer stay around the Fourth of July.

Emily Gadd of Bozeman, Mont., and South Road returned to her home last week for the season. She has been busy planting her gardens this past week, even though she had a problem with deer and the cold, hard winter. She reports that she is planting some new types of veggies this year to go along with her oceans of flowers. Welcome back!

Dudley and Nancy Eppel of Pond View Farm Road arrived recently from Vero Beach, Fla., to spend the summer at their home. Dudley has already planted a vegetable garden in the backyard. He expects several visits by his children over the summer.

Dr. Carey Rosenthal and his children Brin and Blake of Upper Darby, Pa., arrived last weekend to spend some quality time at his State Road home. They visited with his sister Sara and Dr. Julie Prazich, who had arrived just before Memorial Day weekend at their Lambert’s Cove home.

Malcolm and Judy Hall of Oklahoma City and Pond Road returned to the Island last week. Their son Houston came with them for the summer. Their daughter Emily and her husband Whitney Brush have returned also. Malcolm reports that he has some wonderful new okra plants.

Norman Perry of Vineyard Meadow Farms spent Father’s Day in Hyannis, where he attended an antique car show. He says about 400 cars were entered into the show.

Bob Luskin and his wife Charlotte Fallon of Edgartown Road have returned to their home to spend the summer season. They expect visits from their family and friends. Charlotte says Bob will be using his old family china many times this summer.

Phyllis Meras of Music street returned home on Wednesday after a business trip to New York city and a stopover in Providence, R.I.

Marian Irving reports that if it is mid June, it is strawberry time in West Tisbury! Volunteers at the First Congregational Church are getting ready to slice hundreds of pounds of fresh berries for the Strawberry Festival. The event will be held from noon to 4 p.m. tomorrow. This annual fundraising event benefits the historic church, which also serves as a community home for several nonprofit Island organizations.

Lee Revere reports that they are starting to work on the 57th annual library book sale. Books in good condition can be donated by dropping them off at the shed near the place where you buy beach stickers. Shortly after school is dismissed for the summer you may deliver them to the school gym were preparations will begin for the annual book sale. It will be held in August this year for the first time.

Tom Dresser and his co-authors Herb Foster and Jay Schofield have a speaking engagement on Tuesday from 5 to 6 p.m. at the library. They will share slides and photos, stories and memories and be open to questions and comments. They will have books available for sale for those who are interested.

Amy Hoff reports that the library, together with the Congregational Church, will present two evenings with Spencer Reece. On Wednesday at 5 p.m. Padre Reece will be giving a poetry-driven service at the church. After the service, Mr. Reece will be joined by director Brad Coley and they will screen a clip of Our Little Roses, a documentary that tells the story of Padre Reece’s work teaching poetry to girls in a Honduran orphanage. On Thursday at 5:30 p.m. over at the library, Mr. Reece will be reading from his new book of poems, The Road to Emmaus.

Anna Carringer over at the museum reports that their summer intern curatorial assistant is Martha Oster-Beal of Denver, Colo. Welcome to the Island. Also, from tomorrow until Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Tisbury Wharf on Beach Road, tour the last remaining wooden whaleboat in the world, the Charles W. Morgan, as it visits us for four days on its 38th voyage.

A meeting of the Vineyard Democratic Council will be held tomorrow morning from 9 to 10:30 a.m. at the Oak Bluffs Council on Aging. The meeting will have reports from the Vineyard delegates to the state convention held last weekend in Worcester.

Happy birthday to Kathryn Harding, Donna Eldridge and Keelan Weiss today; Connie Toteanu, Allen Look, Luke Bartkus and Dawne Charters tomorrow; Stan Hersh, Karen Lipsky, Jean Kelleher and Matt Stackpole on Sunday; Mary Louise Perry, Richard Sylva, Josh Montoya and John Moore on Monday; Ben Moore, Peter Bettencourt, Marti Mariner, Russ Cote and Lt. Brian Kennedy on Tuesday; Eric Johnson, Bess Child and Lori Rezendes on Wednesday; Alicia Tonti, Lynn Bouck, Maryrose Sarja, Sarah Murphy, Cybele Sprague, and Kathy Retmier on Thursday. Belated anniversary wishes to David Lewis and his wife Danica Kombol, and Tony Silva and Dianne McDonough.

Well, that is all of the social news for this week’s column. If you have any news, please call or email me ( A trivia note: the movie Jaws was released 39 years ago today. My, how time flies! Have a great week.