Some people are saying “uncle” with the snow, but after watching what Boston is going through with the snow and snow removal, I think we are pretty okay. I try not to watch the weather because they are telling us some not-so-nice things about what is next. They are now saying more snow for Thursday and Sunday. The kids love it as they have the days off, but when June gets here it will not be the same story.

Happy birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. Big balloons go out to Antone Moreis, Jan. 26, Davi Butkowski, Jan. 27, Audrey Polleys, Jan. 29, Kathleen Vieira Da Silva, Jan. 31, Meghan Delphous and Isabella Pungirum, Feb. 1, and to Kazara Aldeborgh and Aiden Rogers who celebrate their day today, Feb. 6.

The big news of the week, I think, is the big Super Bowl game. I know there are a lot of people who could care less about football, but after reading all the social media even the non-football lovers were saying it was a great game.

After all the controversy that the Patriots went through for two weeks, they did a great job and the better team won.

I have had several inquiries on how Marge Look is doing. I talked to her daughter Dee and she reports that Marge is doing well. She is getting the movement back in her arm and she is working hard on improving her leg. And I have permission to give you her address so you can drop a note, I’m sure she would love to hear from her friends. The address is Marge Look, P.O. Box 818, Edgartown, MA 02539.

Congratulations to Norman Stickney from Edgartown, who retired on Saturday, Jan. 31, from Verizon after 20 years of service as installation and repair technician. Hope you enjoy your retirement and do all the things you have wanted to do.

The Relay for Life was the reason for the full house at the Wharf last Friday night in the back room. Nicole Gazaille and her committee put together a great event to get the ball rolling for this year’s relay that will be May 30 and 31 at the high school track. Dan Cassidy and his mom Pam were the emcees and made all of us break out our thinking caps. It was a good night and a great send-off for the teams.

Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.

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