Like the rest of our Island community, the Island Community Chorus, with over 100 members, was getting restless and frustrated. Weekly snowstorms forced the cancellation of our Monday night rehearsals three weeks in a row. How could we possibly hope to be ready for our concert in early April? We needed a venue with a cleared parking lot that would work before we had to cancel a fourth.

To the rescue? The Martha’s Vineyard Film Center. We asked and Richard Paradise generously agreed to lend us his wonderful venue for a one-time use this past Monday. We got a ton of work done in warmth, and comfort and safety.

Thank you, Richard, for coming in twice on your night off to open and close the center for us. You truly are the community resource we knew you would be when the idea of the film society center was just a gleam in your eye. The chorus, its musical director, accompanist, and board are grateful for yet another reason to love the community that is Martha’s Vineyard.

Paula Lyons
Vineyard Haven