Bigger than life
what more can you say
Bob Carroll lived it
in a singular way
He had all kinds of jobs
he made lots of cash
Hotels and restaurants
he had lots of brass
He started from nothing
the facts are well known
A poor Island lad
with a love of his home
Bob joined with the Army
to fight World War Two
He was at Iwo Jima
the brave thing to do
He returned to the Vineyard
and rustled about
He fished he sold cars
he drank like a lout
Then he met Lucille
they had four lovely girls
Now grown up with families
the love of Bob’s world
I remember my youth
in old Edgartown
Our families’ and Bob’s
were always around
The Carroll girls and the
four Ewing sons
were about the same ages
we had tons of fun
Those were the days
before the big boom
The Island was smaller
but there was more room
No one had money
it was plain to see
Yet it never mattered
the best things were free
Bob Carroll grew up
a part of this place
He was keenly aware
what was at stake
He knew it was wise
to preserve what was here
But he knew how to profit
from what he held dear
We butted heads on
lots of his views
Still like good friends
we knew not to abuse
Deep Island ties that
mattered the most
Respect and friendship
steered the same boat
I could make a long list
of Bob’s gifts to the town
The Boys and Girls Club
bear his mark of renown
Many projects were fostered
by this big man
Farms and the hospital
helped realize their plans
Bob was selectman back
in sixty two
He helped Collins Beach
become town property too
He wrote the report
of how it went down
You could see this young man
really cared for his town
I clearly remember the
last time I saw Bob
I was down at the waterfront
doing some job
I was working alone on
a cold winter day
He drove out on the wharf
he had something to say
How great the harbor was
this time of the year
Small towns are special
you can say what you feel
He said there was one thing he liked
bout this place
You can call someone an @#$%#@
right to their face
Like many old timers
Bob made his mark
The Island will miss him
it will miss his bright spark
I will always remember that
feisty old guy
With his determined swagger
and that glint in his eye.
— Steve Ewing
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