Well, I don’t want to curse what is going on but I think spring is finally getting here. The sun has been shining. It is warmer, the breeze is still cool but there is hope. The spring bulbs are coming up faster, a lot of people have flowers already in their gardens. Things are looking up.
Happy Birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. Big balloons go out to Caroline Dolby who celebrated her day April 11; Alyana Carreia, April 12; Vinicius DaSilva and Joshua Willoughby, April 13; Dennis Goulart and Roa Sanchez, April 14; Elon Bender and Eve Fernandez, April 15; Camille Leite and Brant Maynard, April 16; and to Kylee Brasefield, Sophia Grazioso, Kenneth Hatt and Sania Magaraci who all celebrate their day April 17.
Congratulations to Dan Gilkes and Stephanie Immelt on the birth of their daughter Hunter Elizabeth who was born April 10 at Falmouth Hospital. Hunter weighed 8 pounds, 13 ounces and was 21 inches long. She is the granddaughter of Carol Immelt and the late Mark Immelt and Cooper and Lela Gilkes, all of Edgartown.
Welcome home to Mike and Janice Donaroma after a winter in St. John. Mike of course has been back and forth throughout the winter but Janice I always imagine holding onto the railing outside saying she doesn’t want to come back unless it is warmer. She loves this Island as long as the heat has arrived. I know she also enjoys her snorkeling and taking pictures of her finds underwater. And she is always busy entertaining family and friends that visit. Once she is home back here on the Island she is busy with town activities and events at Donaromas, which she puts her whole heart into. So welcome home and we all hope to have some warm weather soon.
Brooke Raymond and her team from the Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank Relay for Life team are going to hold an Island-wide scavenger hunt on Sunday, April 26. Entry is $10 a person, maximum five people per team. We will meet at the high school at 11 a.m. to get the list and the end time is 4 p.m. Whichever team shows up with the most items from the list or is the first to show up with all items from the list will win a prize. For tickets call Brooke at 508-696-9201, ext. 1452 or message me.
People are coming into the nursery with smiles on their faces and happy to be playing in the soil and getting their gardens ready for the summer. I am having a hard time trying to convince them it is too early to plant some of the plants they want to buy. Yes, it is our job to sell plants but we also want to protect your purchases and tell you that the last frost date, according to the Farmer’s Almanac, is May 15. However, we all know that there has been frost after that and even into June.
It was town meeting week and Edgartown’s meeting was Tuesday night. It was a great turnout and the articles went relatively fast. Besides all the questions we listened to Jeff Norton take care of all the questions in his own humor, but keeping things moving and getting to the bottom of every question. Plus it was great seeing people that have either been away or not been out much this winter.
Next week is school vacation so with the weather improving kids may be out and around so please drive carefully and keep an eye open for them.
Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.
Send your Edgartown news to kathleencase@comcast.net.
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