I’m feeling ashamed today after witnessing the destruction of several majestic trees, over three centuries old, whose only crime was to be in the way. I’m thinking of all the trees in my life that I have directly caused to be destroyed. In the past, I too just had to have the trophy house, shiny wood floors, paper to print on and a nice cleared yard. I have also caused the eradication of many more trees indirectly. But today I am feeling very, very sorry.
These particular trees had provided shade, numerous wildlife roosts, nourishment and refuge for more years than you or I will walk the earth. Humans tried to protect them but in the end were even more defenseless than the trees themselves against other humans.
I know we all need to make a living. I know that I am as guilty as those (maybe even more so) who removed the trees.
These trees were quite beautiful but defenseless against our modern machinery.
The daylong event was the culmination of a lot of preparation work by many.
Loud machinery clawed at woody limbs like a prehistoric monster cutting off the legs of its prey. Its jaws at times shook like a nightmarish monster shredding its conquest in supreme dominance. The trees offered little protest except for their loud successive cracking and snapping.
Passersby on foot, bike, and vehicle barely glanced at the tyrannical annihilation — some were oblivious. Attention was instead focused on cell phones, on intended destinations and on more, urgent errands.
Can’t see the forest for the trees was literally turning from didn’t notice the forest or the trees, to what trees?” What forest?”
Please resist the urge to label me as sanctimonious. We are all to blame for the destruction of our Mother Earth and ultimately the planet. Global warming deniers need to chill out. Can you justify picking up a stone to cast? Look around the space you occupy at this very moment — what do you own that came from wood?
All around us are results from the pursuit of the vanities of humans. Today I witnessed firsthand a gang assault on Mother Earth. There was no funeral; ironically loud cheers were heard while the remaining large tree was finally toppled and chain-sawed into pieces.
I am inconsolable trying to write this requiem. Can you at least devote a moment right now to consider what impact we as humans are having on our planet? We are causing the destruction of our very lives — our species. What can we do to halt this destruction? Regrettably, I see no solution. I feel like those disemboweled trees.
Those of you who love labels, go ahead and get it out of your system. Call me a tree hugger, hypocrite, self-righteous, self-pitying wallower. I don’t need your validation. Same to those on smart phones who have already hit delete.
Okay, I have climbed down from my plastic milk crate (couldn’t find a wooden box).
I hope that all who were involved in today’s tree massacre can sleep tonight. If not, you can just reach for some sleeping or anti-anxiety pill which probably was derived from a plant in the Amazon. At least it was discovered before we destroy our ecosystem. We will need those pills to console ourselves (and our future generations if we have any) in the aftermath.
As for me, I will be kept awake. The now treeless void allows the last quarter moon to show through. A permanent reminder that it isn’t the only thing that is waning.
Eileen Stanbrook-Charter
Vineyard Haven
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