It is beyond me why I bother to write anything down. My brain must go out the end of the pen. If I misplace the paper, I’m completely lost. I am much better just remembering. Why is she leading with this, you wonder? Well, I took notes this week concerning some subjects for this article and then lost them, and now here it is Tuesday evening and I’m stumped.
I was tidying up the pantry last rainy Sunday and found a milk crate full of potatoes. They somehow were hidden under some egg cartons and, thus, did not go into a meal over the winter. They had sprouts over a foot long. Good grief, guess I’ll throw them into the ground and hope for a late harvest.
I had neglected to purchase and plant potatoes this spring so this is rather serendipitous. The Colorado potato beetles have been wreaking havoc on my tomatoes and eggplants instead. Honestly, it is impossible to catch a break. Good thing I was blessed with a bit of humor.
I complained earlier this spring about tiny caterpillars completely defoliating my apple trees, including their blossoms. I contemplated cutting them to the ground. Naturally, I did not get around to it and they have totally recovered and have new beautiful baby leaves. Isn’t nature grand?
I had some parsnips to seed. They look like giant dill flowers only much sturdier. They are in and amongst some sky blue delphiniums. You could not think up a more beautiful combination.
I have three female turkeys with their babies coming through the yard every morning. The babies are at three different ages but the mothers seem to team up to keep everyone safe. It’s pretty adorable. Last week I mentioned kohlrabi. The sentence read, “We enjoy them now,” but I meant to say, “We enjoy them raw.” Both ways work for me!
A tremendous amount of white yarrow has reseeded in the garden. It’s so lovely right now that I do not have the heart to take any out, even what is crowding other plants. Give a call if you’d like some for a meadow.
Happily, I am able to pick a cabbage every day. It is the early Jersey Wakefield variety and just the right size for Violet and me. We love it raw by itself as a salad or slightly sautéed with onions, white beans and sweet potatoes as a main dish. For some reason they have escaped the cabbage worm this year. Knock wood!
I’m crazy about the Cape Cod Rambler Rose. There is a very nice one on the Edgartown-Vineyard Haven Road on the right just before getting into the queue to turn onto State Road. It’s downright impressive between two yards — a living fence.
Sally Hamilton phoned from West Tisbury. She was reporting about her yellow loosestrife blooming. I confess I do not know that plant. I’m going to do some research. I hate it when I don’t know everything. I do know that I made a huge mistake one time years ago and planted the Gooseneck Loosestrife. I now weed it out by the bushel.
The Republican presidential field is getting more interesting by the minute. How is it even possible that Jeb Bush and The Donald are the top two in the polls. Is the American public actually insane?
Chris Christie announced he’s running. He says he means what he says and says what he means. He left out the last part. Don’t be mean when you say it!
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