I could not be happier with the change of seasons. The cool nights are just right for sleeping and the midday light makes the garden world absolutely lovely. There are some beautiful fall flowers in full bloom. Some might call them weeds and certainly they behaved in a weedy fashion all summer long. Finally, my neglect pays off.

There are asters, golden rod, purple eupatorium and boltonia all over the place. Even the Jerusalem artichokes are making me happy for a change. Think twice before you plant them — they will take over. The chokes are edible and packed with nutrition. The Indian woman, Sacagawea showed Lewis and Clark how to prepare them. Supposedly, there were times on the long trek when they were the only food besides much too lean rabbits. She was 15 years old carrying her baby on her back by the way. Just saying!

Similar in flower is the prairie sunflower. I believe its official name is Helianthus maximiliani. It spreads like crazy but is worth it if you have a large open sunny space. There are a few of them in front of Sports Haven right next to Educomp in Vineyard Haven.

Also looking fine right now is Lespedeza. A member of the pea family, it is a graceful arcing shrub. There is a small one at the entrance sign of Heather Gardens. There are several or perhaps a large one dripping over the wall at Polly Hill.

I bought one a few years ago and finally spotted it in a jumble of mugwort and bittersweet. Honestly, for a person who gardens for a living my yard is truly the cobbler’s childrens’ feet!

I have a bumper crop this year of both cabbages and leeks. Good thing my family is a big fan of both. We’ve been eating them several times a week braised in a bit of pork stock. I’m a grandchild of the Depression. I have never cooked a chicken or meat roast without turning the bones into stock. Thanks to Mermaid Farm yogurt containers, the freezer is full of all types of meat broth — very handy in a pinch.

It’s nice to see the huge pen of turkeys at the top of Mary Fain field. I better call Jefferson at the Good Farm to reserve one for Thanksgiving. I’ve raised them myself a few times. It’s a ton of work. They probably cost me hundreds of dollars each for the time and effort. We are so fortunate to have so much good meat available locally.

I still raise my own pork and chicken. It’s been a decades-long habit and I’m pleased and grateful to be able to do it both physically and morally.

Less than three weeks ago I planted a tiny section of regular field peas. They jumped out of the ground and I have been enjoying pea shoot salads for days now.

Also quick growing are turnips. I put a few in rows of fall carrots and am pulling golf ball sized ones already. The same can be said for radishes. It’s not too late to put in a row.

Since it is only Tuesday and the Pope just arrived in Washington, I shall reserve comment until next week. I can’t wait to hear his address to the joint session of Congress on Thursday.

The big news this week has been the withdrawal of Scott Walker from the presidential race. And then there were 15. What I want to know is who is covering for them at their day jobs? You and I are paying their nice salaries in the U.S. Senate and the states are footing the bills for their sitting governors. Can you imagine gallivanting around the country tipping windmills while someone else is taking care of business at home?