Chilmark knows the full court press is on but Mother Nature hasn’t got the memo that winter is here. Our weather is like June and not many are complaining. It even rained at night this week. Maybe that is our holiday gift.

The nice weather gave the carpenters a chance to put new shingles the roof of the Community Center in what seemed like a matter of hours, actually just a few days. And the restoration of the front of Town Hall is now done and looking good.

The nighttime lights are lovely all over town. Nice to have the extra decorations at the Coast Guard Station as that is one of my views, now made festive with blue lights. The Chandlery has its traditional lobster pot tree with it’s lobster holding a star on the top. It is well worth the ride up island to behold.

There are many festivities planned for the next two weeks and I hope you get to enjoy them all. On Saturday there will be a flea market sponsored by the Chilmark Community Church at the Community Center. The Chilmark Library will host a performance by the Classic Brass Ensemble at the library from 3 to 4 p.m. All are invited, free of charge.

Claire Ganz is having an exhibit of her photographs at the Chilmark library meeting room. The show is called Meandering in the Space Between and is a collection of photos of local scenes. The show may be viewed during the library regular hours and will be there until Jan. 28.

There is an exhibit at the Martha’s Vineyard Museum that may interest Chilmarkers. Some of the annual Christmas displays put out by the late Polly and Ted Meinelt each year in their historic home on South Road are on display at the museum. Ted and Polly had many holiday related collections and each year they would display a different collection. It was always a treat to visit them and take a tour of the house. Some of the collections are now the property of the museum and it is hoped that it will be an annual exhibition. Call the museum for hours.

Ginny Jones reminds us that her Lambert’s Cove Glass Blowing shop will be open this weekend in Menemsha and then daily until after Christmas. She is also offering a variety of vintage and new books, both marine and Martha’s Vineyard, and many other interesting items.

The Copper Works is open daily and offering marine antiques and handcrafted copper and jewelry. The Chandlery is open daily offering marine hardware, posters, some interesting stocking stuffers and more. These shops are all aligned on Basin Road and make for convenient shopping.

Clarissa Allen has the Allen Farm shop open every day and that is always a treat to visit as the items vary from imported treasures to fabulous woolens.

And, as always, the best stocking stuffers are at Menemsha Texaco.

I have to share with you what I spotted last week coming off the ferry. It was a very large trailer truck with a full load of rocks in wire cages. They were very similar in size to those used in traditional stonewalls. There is so much food for thought here I can’t say more.

We send condolences this week to the family and friends of James Barrett who was a South Road resident of Chilmark for many years. His sister, Marie Mercer, of Chilmark and her family survive him.

The Chilmark Community Church will have a traditional Christmas Eve service of lessons and carols beginning at 5 p.m. on Dec. 24. Sandra Bittermann Atwood will bring her golden harp and play accompanying music. Everyone is invited to attend.