Since it was wonderfully warm on Christmas Eve, I left my bedroom windows open. My rooster woke me around four o’clock. He tends to start early when the moon is full. Shortly thereafter a lone bird began singing. It sounded like a spring bird (oh, how I wish I recognized bird song). At any rate, I could only think “and heaven and nature sing.”
In other fun garden news, on Christmas day I had a singular dandelion blooming covered in honey bees. Honey bees leave the hive for some house cleaning in the winter when the temperature goes above 47 degrees.
My pink helleborus bloomed. How fitting. It is also known as the Christmas rose.
I gathered an egg. The light had changed ever so slightly and the hen’s body knew it. Good thing since I have been feeding them super expensive organic grain for nothing. There have been no eggs the entire month of December. I threatened them with dumplings.
Several places in town still have roses blooming and not just the hardy Betty Priors. They look great on fences next to strands of Christmas lights.
There is a house across from the Tisbury School with window boxes full of perfect geraniums.
I’ve never had great luck with celery growing. I am remiss in watering and never get the blanching thing right. For years I have grown celeriac (aka celery root) instead. It is way easier, lasts into early winter, and livens up soups and stews.
This year I mistakenly purchased celery leaf instead. I’m completely happy with it. It looks exactly like Italian flat leaf parsley, but with a strong celery flavor. It is still perfect in the garden. I’ve been using it in smoothies and meat stock.
I’m sure you have noticed the robin’s egg blue hearse at the Ghost Island Farm. Rusty is hauling vegetables around in it. I told him to put me on the list. I hope to be hauled to my final resting place in it! Talk about styling.
What a rude awakening on Monday morning. 34 degrees! We were back at the job site and doing some whining. Time to locate the heavy-duty sweaters and flannels. One thing I like about myself is the ability to adjust to the weather. I’ve said it many times, there is no bad weather, only inappropriate clothing.
My friend Marie gave me a book for Christmas — The Founding Gardeners by Andrea Wulf. Gardening and history, two of my favorite subjects. I am looking forward to spending some time lost in its pages.
The big news this week is the unsettled weather in the midwest and especially Texas. I attended college for a couple of years at North Texas State in Denton, It was between Dallas and Fort Worth so I am familiar with the area of the terrible tornadoes at Christmas.
Give me a hurricane any day. At least we have plenty of warning and an idea of wind speed. The photographs of the tornado damage are horrific. I’m amazed there isn’t more loss of life.
Something like this happening as well as the worldwide insanity certainly puts things in perspective. I have it pretty darned good and am grateful for it. A happy, healthy and sane new year to all!
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