Some Islanders may be aware that the budget and warrant articles in each town are determined by its board of selectmen. While other town committee members are elected officials, i.e., finance committee, planning board, school committee, etc., they are designated as advisory committees and do not have the final say regarding what is presented at town meetings except for their vote count on each issue. Therefore, property taxes are dependent upon the acceptance or rejection of all issues by those voters at the town meeting. In effect, the voters have the power to determine the tax rate.
The selectmen are also given the power to grant business licenses, liquor licenses and which properties are hooked up to the sewer treatment plant. In addition, with respect to events, they determine which can be held, their operating hours and what can be served. They also determine roadway directions, paving and parking availability.
Perhaps, even more important, they determine which new construction projects should be considered, e.g., the fire house, town hall, schools and libraries unless opened to discussion and further conditions by the Martha’s Vineyard Commission.
This is what sets my teeth on edge when so many people tell me that there is no use for voting since “it’s all done behind closed doors” or “that’s the way it’s always been done” or “I don’t have the time to vote or get involved.” If you feel powerless and choose not to vote then, indeed you are powerless (a self-fulfilling prophecy).
Abraham Seiman
Oak Bluffs
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