I believe there is a simple solution to the Simpson's Lane Chappy ferry staging issue. I believe, the Fligors have a Summer street parking lot that they lease to two local establishments. The lot entrance is roughly twenty yards from the intersection of Simpson and Summer. The two establishments have parking spaces along the perimeter of the lot. As a result, the center of the lot is wide enough to have cars enter the center of the lot and make a long “U” queue. This line would not hinder the lease spaces ability to come and go. If you pace this potential line you will find it is the same distance of Simpson's Lane between Summer and North Water. That would be an ideal staging area and relieve the congestion on Simpson's Lane. If need be, the two establishments that currently rent the perimeter spaces could sublease the interior of the lot to the powers that be. I believe the prime usage time for these establishment is in the evening which is the slow time for the ferry. Everyone wins.

Joe Coffey