• Jupiter in Vineyard skies, over Eastville Beach.
  • Mark Lovewell

In Vineyard Skies: Fireworks and a Moonless Night

To stargazers, the Fourth of July evening will be a wonderful night. The evening opens with a fireworks display that can be watched in a lot more places than in Edgartown. If the weather cooperates, those standing along the north shore of the Island will probably see fireworks somewhere. Whether you gather at the Gay Head Cliffs overlook, Menemsha Beach or at the Cape Pogue Lighthouse, every site offers possibilities.

All along the northern horizon there will be a smattering of distant but observable holiday fireworks. Visibility is everything in astronomy, and for those watching distant fireworks. The best show is the closest show. For those who’d like the earth to shake beneath their feet, Edgartown is the place.

Without a moon in the sky on that night, the faintest of fireworks and the faintest of stars are visible.

Watching distant fireworks on the night of the Fourth, is a bit of a metaphor for stargazers. Every star in the night is a rocket that seldom burns out. The night is aglow with giant and small stars and a couple of planets.

Visibility provides us with the opportunity to see these distant worlds. Add to this another fact. They are clouds, distant fog banks of dark dust and debris. There would be a lot more stars glowing tonight if they weren’t obstructed by these gigantic distant clouds. We know the clouds are out there, for they prevent us from seeing the true brilliance of our giant Milky Way.

Next Thursday night a thin crescent moon appears next to the bright planet Jupiter. You’ll see the two right after sunset and for a couple of hours. Both are in the zodiacal constellation Leo.


Sunrise and Sunset
Day Sunrise Sunset
Fri., July 1 5:10 8:19
Sat., July 2 5:11 8:19
Sun., July 3 5:11 8:19
Mon., July 4 5:12 8:19
Tues., July 5 5:12 8:19
Wed., July 6 5:13 8:18
Thurs., July 7 5:14 8:18
Fri., July 8 5:14 8:18
Temperatures and Precipitation
Day Max (Fº) Min (Fº) Inches
June 24 76 58 0.00
June 25 78 54 0.00
June 26 76 51 0.00
June 27 76 60 0.00
June 28 78 65 0.00
June 29 79 67 T
June 30 80 62 T


Water temperature in Edgartown harbor: 71º F


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