What a difference a day makes. Last Tuesday’s drop in humidity and the lower temperature put things right for me. The fair is over, the light has changed, the days are noticeably shorter and back-to-school preparations are beginning.

I love this time of year. Full-on high summer is a bit much for me. On the job sites we are cutting back some death, pulling sticks and brown leaves out of daylilies and generally tidying up. Metaphorically, it is a Band-aid to last until fall clean up.

I’m irritated by morning glories. No matter how early I start them they take forever to bloom and make a statement. I have a couple areas where the old-fashioned Grandpa Ott’s reseed every year. They are particularly nice, large, heart-shaped leaves with deep purple/indigo blossoms. The center of the flower is a maroon star. One plant has worked it all they way up my telephone line to the second floor. I usually don’t like vegetation touching my house. I hate how it worries the shingles, causes mold and possibly harbors unwanted pests, but I am leaving the vine until frost. It is so perfect.

I picked a large basket full of green beans. I planted them a mere five weeks ago. I must have neglected to read the seed package. For starters, they are pole beans not the bush variety. Oops, not a pole in sight. They are a tangled mess. It is pointless to attempt to fix them so I’ll simply pick and pull them up.

Also, they are the Romano type, very flat and beany. They have annoying strings that need to be pulled off each one.

Fortunately, three weeks ago I planted both Providers and Fortex. Providers have always been a favorite. They are the best choice for canning. Fortex, a pole bean, is equally flavorful and prolific. I knew their nature and planted them on a fence. I am hoping for a good harvest so I can make Dilly Beans like crazy in September.

On Middle Road across from the Keith Farm there is a row of crabapples pruned in such a way for the property owners to enjoy the view. Next to the row of trees is a remarkable Viburnam with very impressive bright red berries. I covet it and am trying to figure out the cultivar so I can get one.

Speaking of the Keith Farm, the pond is rapidly disappearing. We could use three solid days of rain.

I pulled up one potato plant and was rewarded with enough small red potatoes to feed several guests for dinner. I barely needed to wash them. They were so clean and perfect. The next day I purchased a small container of adorable sweet potatoes grown by Rusty at Ghost Island Farm. He has nice salad greens. Grown under row covers they are pest free, unlike my pathetic ones. I know what to do but don’t do it.

Vice President Biden made a trip to Latvia. He went to reassure them and neighboring Lithuania and Estonia that the U.S. would have their backs in the event of Russian aggression. There is considerable unease in some of our NATO allies given the recent comments by Donald Trump. Vice President Biden wondered if Trump even understands Article 5 of the NATO charter. This has not been a partisan issue with past presidents or nominees. We honor our commitments.

Perhaps he will “soften” his stance on this subject just like he has on immigration. Over the weekend he actually said he would probably do the same deportation policy of Barack Obama. OMG. The heads of his far right supporters must be exploding.