Chilmark continues the slow push toward spring in spite of blizzards and near blizzards. The ground is mostly clear of snow and the winds have finally stopped blowing. The Ganz family on North Road was happy to report that the witch hazel trees at Hollyholm are in full bloom. How nice. And I can now see that my daffodils are up about four inches in sunny spots.

We send condolences to the family and friends of Robert (Ron) Nagengast who died on Feb. 2 in New York. For a number of years Ron and his family lived on North Road in a home they built, and their boys attended Island schools. His many friends here will miss him.

There is a very interesting report available on the internet entitled Eel Grass Restoration of Nashaquitsa Pond. It is available on the town website. The Chilmark Shellfish Committee published it.

If you need to be amused or want to support the Martha’s Vineyard Community Thrift Shop you can attend an art show of Gene Baer’s container art made from recycled Meals on Wheels containers. And they ask us what we do in the winter on the Island. It should be fun to see. Check it out from 2:30 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 18.

Susan Stevens, principal of the Chilmark School, invites us all to join them on weekly tours of the school offered to acquaint us with the school and its curriculum. You may sign up for a tour by calling the school at 508-645-2562.

The Martha’s Vineyard Partnership for Health is offering two, free six-session meetings for people 60 or older and or a family caregiver. The program is designed to give participants the knowledge and skills needed to become more active in their own health or that of the people they are caring for. The sessions will be at the American Legion Hall in Vineyard Haven on Wednesdays from March 1 through April 5 from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. They will also offer the program at Howes House in West Tisbury on Mondays from March 13 through April 17 from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Preregistration is required for either series. Please call 508-939-9358 or email for more information.

Patricia Moore asked me to give a shout out to West Tisbury voters that there will be a meeting of the West Tisbury Democratic Town Committee on Saturday, Feb. 25 at 10 a.m. at Howes House. They will be electing delegates to the state convention to be held in June.

Pathways at the Chilmark Tavern reminds us that the Gallery Store is open daily from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. except for Wednesday and Sunday. The shop features handmade Island art.

Free suppers continue at the Chilmark Church on Tuesdays beginning at 5:30 p.m. All are welcome to join for food, chat and an occasional table game.

Well, we are at mid-February, surely the worst news week of the year, and the national news has turned too dark for humor so I think I have given voice to all that Chilmark has to offer of note this week. If I am wrong, please email me with your updates.

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