I am proud of the accomplishments I have made at the Martha’s Vineyard Airport over my term as airport commissioner for the past three years. We have seen the airport and the airport business park take a turn in a very positive direction with the initial result of the appointment of commissioner Rich Michelson and myself and the subsequent appointments of my now ex-fellow commissioners.
To my dismay, my fellow county commissioners saw fit to replace me on the airport commission, which I have unquestionably served on for three years. I was a change agent. Things are much different and much better there now.
I regret that I have not been reappointed to further serve our Island community in this capacity. Please know that my wish was to continue to work on a road to even greater improvement and success. With everything going so well I have to ask why my fellow Dukes County commissioners felt I needed to be replaced?
I encourage you to ask Leon Brathwaite, John Alley, Gretchen Tucker Underwood and Bob Zeltzer that very question, as they voted against me.
We’ve gone through a lot to get here. Many of you know the sordid history of the airport/county relationship. John Alley served on both the county and airport commission acting as liaison between the two, which has been an extremely important position to hold. I have held that position for three years and been party to many a hard earned and positive change.
Thank you county commissioners Tristan Israel and Dave Holway (commission chairman), and the entire airport commission and administration for your recognition and support.
Thank you, my community, for the support, strength, and encouragement you gave me regarding my work with our airport and those so deeply affected by it.
Your words kept me in the fight — everyone who came up to me and said, “keep on going, hang in there, we are all rooting for you,” all about the airport and how much it means to our Island community.
You all helped me persevere, when it was very tough going. It was worth it. I would do it all over again.
Christine Todd
Oak Bluffs
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