Avery Miner graduated from the Martha's Vineyard Public Charter School on Sunday. He gave this speech as part of the graduation ceremony.
Hello and thanks for joining us today. For me this day has always meant something very special. I remember sitting in the crowd thinking “when will it be my day” like it was just yesterday — every year helping to send off the ones I looked up to, hoping one day it would be me up here giving back to those who have always done that for me.
In this moment I feel the great sense of pride that comes from being a part of this community. It is surreal to stand here looking out on a crowd of people I’ve known and loved for so many years knowing it’s my turn to say goodbye. Having the room to grow and show you all who I am and what I have to offer to this community and the world ahead of me, truly is the greatest gift I have received in this life.
To name a few of the moments that have shaped me at this school I would like to start where I feel many do: in the challenging, but comforting math class I would look forward to every day. DC, your smile has helped me through the hardest of times and your caring embrace pushed me forward when I thought I couldn’t possibly keep going. Your words of wisdom have shaped my world view to see the good even when it might not be there. Just as you do, I have learned to shape the world around me with love so it becomes a place I am proud to call home. I would like to give you my thanks, and most of all I want to give you the gift of seeing your hard work pay off in all of us here today.
I want to thank you, Jonah, for instilling in me a feeling of real connection to the natural world around me. Without your unrelenting effort to be the change you wanted to see in the world and having the foresight to consider what is next, my eyes would have been closed to so much that is going on around the world and right here in our backyards.
And Jane, it is hard for me to say there is just one thing you have helped me see. You have always been a mentor, a caregiver and a second mom. Since the days when I was just a little kid sitting on your couch playing too many hours of video games with Cassius and Cyrus by my side, you built me up and told me my dreams were right there in front of me if I just reached out to get them. You helped me see the responsibilities I had to my friends, my family and the world around me. Through love and compassion we forged a bond stronger than any of the elements on the periodic table. Without you in my life I wouldn’t be the man I am standing here today.
Finally, I want to say I am so grateful for the support and deep bonds I’ve been blessed to have with the friends who have been by my side through it all. I couldn’t be happier to have you all in my life. Some of you aren’t here today but your names certainly live in infamy: Cyrus, Cassius, Tully, Ethan, Jared, Clancey, Skyler & Mateo (the boys). Keep on doing what you are doing!
I am proud to walk into the future with everyone up here today by my side, I see greatness for us all.
Thank you!
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