Well once again I cannot complain about our weather when there is complete devastation to our south. Watching the news and seeing all the homes and buildings being destroyed is very exhausting and we are glad that some our snowbirds are doing okay and have contacted their family and friends on the Island to let them know they are safe.

Happy birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. No, I have not been to get the list yet but there is always hope for next week.

My favorite time at the nursery has come. The chrysanthemums are in along with the kale and cabbage and ornamental peppers. A lot of the mums are not open but in a few short weeks they will be showing their beautiful colors. This week the pumpkins and gourds arrive putting the icing on the cake.

Nana and Grampy Welch are very proud of their youngest three granddaughters’ fundraising efforts. Josie and Bea made many containers of colorful “slime” and sold them at Aunt Kellee’s store in North Andover along with cousin Keira last weekend. They netted $200 which they are donating to the Hurricane Relief Fund. Good job girls.

On the Island, Jack Laird and Nick Rabini set up a lemonade stand and made $460. Half of the money will go to rebuild a school they pick and half will go to St. John to help that Island. Both are students of Erin Simmons, in the fifth grade.

Fishing time has started and the derby is on. Lots of trucks around the Island with poles in the back, and boats are loaded for some off shore fishing. Good luck to all and keep the lines tight.

Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.

Send Edgartown news to kathleencase@comcast.net.